Thursday, December 31, 2009
Tuesday, December 29, 2009
more on Christmas
On the 23rd, we went to Gavin's birthday party. I made the cake, which I thought turned out really good. Jagger had a good time. On Christmas eve, we went to Aaron's parents. Jagger got some mega blocks and money for little gym classes from Gran and Paw and money from Aunt Charity, which we are going to put in savings. Then we came home and Jagger went to bed at like 5:30, so Santa got to work! Santa brought a ball pit, which I think is Jagger's favorite, a ball popper, laugh and learn kitchen, and other random goodies. Uncle Andrew gave Jagger a cozy coupe car. Meme got him a sled, some clothes, a v-tech toy, and other little goodies. Then we went to SueSue's for my family get together. Jagger got even more toys there. I can't even remember what all he got. This child should be set on toys for a long time! It was nice getting to see everyone, but I am glad to be back home.
Aaron got me a 50mm lens for my camera, which I am loving already! Jagger got me a beautiful necklace with his birthstone, which I have been wanting. We got Aaron a new shower head and an iPod dock.
Next up we have Jagger's first birthday!
Monday, December 28, 2009
Christmas Update
Jagger's first Christmas was wonderful! I think I was more into his gifts than he was, but he is having fun with them now.
We went down to TN on Sunday. Jagger was so good on the way down, so we should have known something was wrong and he had a bad night on Saturday night. We took his temperature and it was 103.6, which freaked us out. I called the dean on call nurse, which was no help, so we just gave him motrin until morning when I could call the pediatricians nurse. She said to watch him, unless we could not get the fever down. By Monday afternoon, his fever was just going up, so we took him to an urgent care clinic in dyersburg. Can I just say that I am glad I live in WI, because the health care is SO much better. They told us he probably had roseola, but he never broke out in a rash, so who knows. He got to feeling better on Wednesday evening.
More to come....
Friday, December 18, 2009
Yay for business!
Jagger now claps! It is not like our clap, but his arms go flying in the air and he is trying to get those hands together! It is so freaking cute and he does it when he gets excited, like when Daddy comes home or I open the front door! He also has said "ma" to me to get my attention several times. He will yell and wave at someone to get their attention. I am ready for Christmas, but I don't think he is going to care, because he is not interested in toys really. He likes to get into things he shouldn't, like the toilet.
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
A year ago
Monday, December 14, 2009
I am not sure how we are going to get back home from TN after Christmas. Everytime I talk to my mom, she tells me of something else that she has gotten Jagger, and it is all big stuff. We we got him is also bigger. Next comes, where in the world will I put all of this stuff when we get back home?! Jagger seems to be getting his molars in and it sucks. He is so grumpy. I sure hope they come in soon. He is such a sweetheart though!
Emma has started to show her age since it has gotten colder here. She has gotten a little grumpy with Jagger and didn't want to play like she always has, but I started giving her rimadyl (a NSAID) and she seems to have bounced back. Whatever keeps her feeling good!
Oh, if anyone knows how to get a HP printer back to english, from god knows what language, feel free to share! Jagger likes to try and make copies, but changed the language while doing so.
Friday, December 11, 2009

Jagger loves music! He also LOVES to shake his booty! I have added some of his new favorite tunes, feel free to pause them because they will get stuck in your head, but they are very cute!
We had his height/weight check yesterday with the second H1N1. Everything went well. He is growing, still small, but the pediatrician doesn't seem to be concerned.
We got a butt load of snow overnight Tuesday and then it has been freezing, like below zero freezing. The roads are in bad shape, which sucks because I feel trapped in the house, but that may be a good thing!
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
10 months

Really, 10 months already? Jagger is growing into a little man everyday. He officially says "dadada" all the time now! He is pulling up on everything, vertical is the only option these days! He somewhat cruises the furniture, but is still scared. He has been fussy the past few days and I can't figure out what is wrong. Maybe teeth, but it is not like it has been in the past with teeth.
We are currently under a blizzard warning, fun, fun! What makes it even better is that our snow blower is not working and we could get up to 16 inches of snow! I made a huge mistake this morning of thinking I could make it into Madison, but I maybe made it a few miles down the road before I found the ditch. Luckily, no one was hurt, not even the truck. Aaron was not very happy with me, but is glad we are ok. I did have a flat tire, so he had to leave work early and come change it for me. Needless to say, I will not be leaving the house very often this winter!
Sunday, December 6, 2009
Jagger went to see Santa yesterday! He was a little angel, so I am sure Santa will be good to him this year :)

I also took a few pictures in an attempt for a holiday card picture. I am not completely happy with them, but they may have to work.
Here are some.
Our Christmas Tree!

Friday, December 4, 2009
We got our first snow yesterday! It is just a dusting here, but I think in Verona they got quite a bit. While Jagger and I were out shopping yesterday, he was amazed at the white stuff falling from the sky. He was even trying to catch it with his tongue, silly boy!
We are done Christmas shopping, except I have to get one more thing for Uncle Andrew. We have decorated, all that we are going to anyway! Our tree looks really pretty this year! Jagger, surprisingly has not touched it or the gifts under it. He is quite the little helper when it comes to wrapping gifts though! We will be taking his Christmas picture today or tomorrow so that I can get Christmas cards out next week.
Monday, November 30, 2009
Jagger's first thanksgiving was ok, but he was very cranky. He even went to bed at 5! It was spent it TN with my family. We were not planning to go back, but Aaron's granny passed away, so we felt that we should go back. We got to meet a lot of family that I have never met and Aaron hasn't seen in years, it was really nice! Jagger loved his great-uncle Donald!
Jagger started semi-waving while we were there and blowing kisses! When we got back home Jagger started pulling up on everything, yes even climbing the stairs! He is starting to cruise around, boy am I in trouble! He pulls up in his crib all the time now, even with his sleep sack is on. He can't get back down, so he starts fussing. He now has 7 teeth and boy do they hurt! He also got his hair trimmed while we were back in TN. He looks like such a big boy, but Aaron and I don't really like it, so we are letting it grow for a while again. Jagger knows how to shake his booty! If you tell him to shake his booty, he will start dancing, it is so funny!
I have started decorating for Christmas. We are hopefully going to go get a tree in the next day or two. I am really sad that we are not going to be able to celebrate our first Christmas as a family in our new house. I have been thinking about not going back to TN. Maybe my mood will change in the next 2 weeks.
I am going private again. I don't want those that visit my sugar overload site to have access to my personal life. I will open back up when my site is hosted elsewhere, which will be after the first of the year. I am also not real happy about some things that were said while in TN, so if you want to know about Jagger, you can email or call. I will post pictures on the shutterfly site. If you have a favorite grandchild, that is one thing, but don't say it in front of me or my son. Yes, he doesn't know right now, but he will one day. I know every grandparent has a favorite grandchild, but it is not right to blurt it out. It really hurts me. I could care less about gifts, Aaron and I can get Jagger almost anything he could ever want.
Thursday, November 19, 2009
Busy, busy
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
Nursing past 1 year
If you have been reading my blog for any amount of time, you know how strongly I feel about breastfeeding. I knew well before getting pregnant that I wanted to breastfeed, I never really thought about how long. When I started reading more about breastfeeding, it seemed that 6 months was what most women did and then I continued to read and it seemed more and more women breast fed until a year. I decided that I would try to breast feed for a year, and here we are at 9 1/2 months and still going strong! I was beginning to think that Jagger was self weaning because he was so distracted by the world around him, but he seems to be doing much better now. So it has got me to thinking that maybe I will continue to breastfeed Jagger past a year of age. I will start giving him cow's milk at one year, but there are still MANY benefits of breastfeeding past a year. It is also the only time that I get to snuggle with my precious baby boy without him squirming all over the place or screaming at me to let him down! I love the bonding time we get. I think I am just going to take his lead and let him self wean.
I just found this statistic and thought it was interesting:
n the US, 64% of mothers initiate nursing at birth, but only 29% are still nursing at six months, and 16% at one year.
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
First birthday party!
Jagger attended his first birthday party on Saturday! He enjoyed watching the other kids and was on his best behavior, despite only having his morning nap. The party was for my friends little boy who turned 3. The most shocking part to me is that Jagger went to anyone that wanted to hold him! He even reached out for people! He rarely does this. He will go to someone, but is rather unsure. I am proud of my little social butterfly!
Santa went shopping on Sunday! We got the fisher price laugh and learn kitchen for him. Now we need to get the ball pit, we already have extra balls, and then just some small stocking stuffers. We also got his first ornament. I need to get his stocking ordered now. I am excited for Christmas, even though Jagger will not know what is going on. I am also very excited that we are going back to TN and ALL of my family will be there! I think it is going to be SO much fun! Memaw better watch out because 2 little mischievous boys will be coming! Jagger is now pulling up on more and more. I was beginning to wonder if he would walk by his first birthday, but I am thinking he probably will now. Then I will be lucky to get anything done! He is already into EVERYTHING! I can't turn my back to him for 5 seconds and he will have dog food in his mouth or have spilled the dogs water.
I have also decided that as Jagger gets older, I want to teach him that giving someone a gift is better than receiving by filling a wish list of a needy family or child. I am sure there will be times when he will get hurt because someone got more than him, maybe not though, Aaron and I spoil him pretty bad! Luckily, he doesn't know any better at this age, because he would have already been upset. I believe in treating all children, grandchildren, great-grandchildren, etc. the same and I will protect Jagger from those that have the potential of being unfair. Maybe I sound selfish, but I only want what is best for Jagger and that means I will not let others hurt him because they are biased. Enough of my current rant!
I would also like to say that I am finally feeling NORMAL! My thyroid level is normal now, I no longer feel like I am randomly having a heart attack, I am happy, I am not scared that Jagger is going to die, life is good!
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
9 month well baby check and birthday party
Jagger had his 9 month well baby check up on Monday. He weighs 16#'s 7ozs., 27 inches long, and 56th percentile for his big noggin! He has only gained 7 ozs. in 2 months, but the pediatrician said that she did not see that it was anything medical related, it was more than likely because he is so active. I am to continue feeding him how I am now and we go back in a month for another weigh in. Otherwise, everything went well. He did get his first dose of H1N1 and will get the following dose when we go back for the weight check.
He is now trying to pull up on everything! Last night he pulled up on the side of the bath tub :0 He has tried pulling up on Abby's little heater, which he knows how to turn on, and then this morning he was trying to pull up on his toy basket.We are soon to be in BIG trouble! He is already into everything and so fast with his crawling. When he touches something he shouldn't, I tell him why he shouldn't touch it instead of just saying no. It seems to be working pretty good. He says "ma" and "ba"! He is also so sociable! I have always been kind of worried about this since it is just the three of us and we are not around alot of people, but he loves people talking to him and he is even doing pretty well with others taking him. When I have gone to TACH lately, he just laughs and carries on with all the ladies! Speaking of TACH, if you have not already checked out my baking site (sugar-overload.com), go check it out! Everyone LOVED the refreshments I made for the open house and they said alot of people took my business card, so hopefully I will get some business!
Aaron and I have decided to have Jagger a birthday party when we are back for Christmas, since no one will be able to come up for his real birthday! It will probably be on the 26th of December. We are going to be coming down on the 19th and will stay until the 27th. I am working on all of the details right now and will let everyone know more definite times and locations when I know. We will probably not get him his real birthday gift until his actual birthday. We are going to have a small party here and I will invite some friends. I am so excited that he will get to celebrate with family and hope everyone can come!
Sunday, November 8, 2009
Happy 9th monthday Jagger!

Can you believe Jagger is 9 months old? I sure can't! Where in the world does time go? He is crawling all over the place, very vocal, takes in everything, eats a wide variety of foods, loves to bang his toys, loves to read, doesn't like TV(thank goodness!), walks while being assisted, and the cutest baby in the world! His new picture features baby gap, of course! They will be crazy not to pick him as there new model!
His first birthday party is basically planned! We are having a winter "one"derland party! I have also decided what Santa will be bringing him.
Friday, November 6, 2009
Where is Jagger?

This week, Jagger has learned to successfully go from sitting to belly. This means, he is into EVERYTHING! When we had trick or treaters last weekend, I was eating in the floor with Jagger, I had to go to the door and when I came back, he had a handful of french fries! One other time, I turned my back to him for literally 2 seconds and he had a handful of dog food and some in his mouth! He got so mad at me when I dug all of it out of his mouth! He is now trying to figure out how to pull up on things. He will pull up on me, but he is not sure about anything else. Something else he has decided to do is pull his shoes and socks off every time I put them on! Every time I get him out of the carseat, he has pulled them off. Today, we were walking around Target and he pulled one of his socks off and lost it somewhere. I looked like the mother of the year with an infant that had no socks on in November! Oh well, he got it from his mama! Every where we go, atleast one person always has to stop us and talk to Jagger and tell me how adorable he is! I want to say yes I know, and I am sure he does too, but I have places to go! I just let Jagger take it all in though!
Monday, November 2, 2009
Christmas Time!
Now we just have to decide what to get him from Santa! I am thinking about one of these things, if anyone has any opinion on them, please chime in!
I have also decided that I will go with the Winter ONEderland theme for his 1st birthday! I got some really cool snowflake stuff at JoAnne's today for just $1!
Birthday Party ideas
Anyone have any great ideas for Jagger's first Birthday? I was thinking of doing an under the sea theme, but have since changed my mind! Now I am thinking about all blue with maybe a splash of green or a Winter in "One"derland. Any other ideas or what do you think about these 2 options?
I have also cam up with a great idea of how to decorate Jagger's room! I can't do stripes because the stupid walls are textured and stripes don't work. It involves, cars, trucks, airplanes, a swing hanging from the ceiling, and chalkboard paint! I am going to try and design it on photoshop and see how it looks!
Sunday, November 1, 2009
2 more
Jagger has 2 more teeth for a total of 6! He now has his 2 top lateral incisors. He hasn't been fussy with these much, so I guess they haven't really bothered him.
This little stinker can put away some food! Yesterday, I made me a small pizza and also made him one thinking he would eat a 1/4 of it. Well, he ate half of it and loved it! This morning he ate a whole pancake.
Saturday, October 31, 2009
Thursday, October 29, 2009
Future Picaso?
Thursday, October 22, 2009
Poor Jagger :(
Jagger has felt really crappy since Sunday. He has been really hoarse, had a fever, just overall lousy. I called the nurse on Tuesday to see if I should bring him in and she thought it was probably croup, well it hadn't gotten any better today, so I thought it was time to take him in. The poor fella has blisters on his tonsils and possibly on his vocal cords, which is why he is hoarse. The dr. said it was a viral infection and that we just let it run its coarse, but it should improve within 24 hours. A plus side, I have gotten lots of snuggles and cuddles!
Well, the baking business is starting to come together! You will be ale to find me at sugar-overload.com, it is not ready just yet though. I will keep you updated on the progress!
Monday, October 19, 2009
7 hours
Jagger slept for 7 straight hours last night! He went to bed at 6:30, woke up at 10. Aaron went and gave him his paci and he went back to sleep within a couple of minutes and didn't wake up again until 5, that is right, 7 hours of sleep!! I nursed him and he went back to sleep until 7 this morning. When he goes to bed at night, he fusses until I close the door and then he is out. It seems to be getting better every night and he seems alot happier and not near as fussy during the day.
He is now eating table food instead of purees. He will not eat purees, but will shovel in finger foods. The first thing we gave him was chicken and rice, he loved it! Yesterday for breakfast, he had cinnamon rolls! This will make Aaron and I have to start eating healthier if I am having to cook for Jagger also.
Friday, October 16, 2009
Story Time

Jagger and I attended story time at the library today. It was fun, even though Jagger was not very interested. Story time was about firefighters, so we got to tour the firehouse. Jagger mostly liked watching all of the other kids! He put on a show for them when we were at the fire station just talking away! There were other moms there that had babies around his age, but the also had toddlers. I am not sure if we will go back, but we might just to get out of the house. I may try to find something else that is more for babies. After story time, we went to have lunch with daddy and then went to Marshall's, where Jagger got more books. He is soon going to have his own little library!
We have decided to rent a cabin during the Thanksgiving holiday in upstate WI. My mom and possibly my brother and his girlfriend are going to come along. We are hoping to see some black bears or even moose! It should be fun!
I am seriously considering starting up my own baking business. I am making cookies for the clinic I used to work at for their open house and I have already been asked to make 2 wedding cakes for next fall. I think it would be a good opportunity to make some extra money (to spend on Jagger of course) and I would be able to control how much I do and when I work, while staying at home with Jagger. I have come up with the name Sugar Overload.....what do you think?
Thursday, October 15, 2009
Ahhh, sleep
So, I finally gave in and decided that it was time for Jagger to learn to put himself to sleep and sleep in his bed. Aaron has had to make me not go get Jagger and bring him to bed because I miss snuggling with him, but I have to tell myself that it is best for him and best to do it now. It has not been that bad. The first night he cried for just over 30 min. and then would cry for less than 5 minutes when he would wake up in the night. Last night he was asleep in 13 minutes. He woke up just 2 to 3 times and fussed for less than a minute each time. He seems so happy and much better rested. I also feel much more rested. I think we are doing the right thing, despite me saying that I would never do it. I feel that we tried all other options and this was the last thing to try.
I have alot of pictures to post, maybe one day I will get to it! Now that Jagger is bigger, I have to keep up with him and I am a freak about keeping the house clean! I am thinking of starting a different blog that will have recipes, cleaning tips, and about being a stay at home mom and wife in general.
Thursday, October 8, 2009
Well, Jagger is crawling! It is not your traditional crawl, it is more like an army crawl, but he can get from point a to point b. He also is zooming around in his walker more and more. I have video of him chasing Emma and he is just laughing! I will try to upload it soon.
Cousin Dylan has been here this week staying with us for his fall break. We went to the apple orchard and pumpkin patch on Sunday, it was so much fun! We went to the zoo yesterday and it was just a gorgeous day. Today we are going to attempt to go to the movies, not sure how that is going to work with Jagger, but we will see.
Can you believe that my baby boy is 8 months old today? I sure can't, where does time go? I suppose it is time to start planning the big 1st birthday party! I am still trying to come up with what to get him for Christmas. I am thinking of either something to ride on, like this, or a pottery barn anywhere chair. Then we will just do books.
I guess it is getting to be that time of year up here, it is cold! Next week there are only 1 or 2 days when the low is above freezing, one day it is even 26 :0 I am on the search for the perfect little coat for my man! You know he must be styling!
I have lots of pictures to upload, so I will as soon as I get time.
Saturday, October 3, 2009
VOTE for Jagger
He wants to be the next babyGap model, it is his favorite store!! You can vote once daily until Nov. 17th. We would truly appreciate it!
Monday, September 28, 2009
Long over due
It has been forever since I have updated, so hopefully it will not get too lengthy!
Jagger is still rotten to the core and VERY active! He is not crawling, but he can get places if he wants to! He is now taking little steps when we hold him up on his feet. I put him in the walker a few days ago and he started zooming across the living room, watch out toes! He now has 2 more teeth, his top front teeth. He can drink from a straw like it is second nature! I have been letting him try it out on my straw every time I had one, but he never got anything. We ate at noodles and co. a 2 weeks ago and I was drinking root beer. I let him play with my straw, like normal, when I felt the straw get cold! He then had a face like what the heck was that! Mostly he just gets water, but he has tried lemonade also! He loves his solid foods still, but he is wanting to feed himself more and more. I have been giving him his normal amount of purees and then always give him a finger food afterwards, he loves it! Last night he tried baked potato. He didn't dislike it, but wasn't super interested in it. Daddy built Jagger a swing in the backyard, it is a race car! He loves to swing! His Gran took him to the park alot last week to swing and watch the big kids, I think he had a great time!
I had my gall bladder removed a week ago today. It was not bad at all. I was a little sore, but nothing that was not tolerable. I took pain medication once and ibuprofen twice I think. I go back in a week for re-check. I swear that was the best sleep I have gotten in 7 1/2 months! I feel the best I have felt, over all, in I can't remember how long.
One Year Ago.....
I can't believe it has been a year since my grandaddy passed away. I still think of him everyday and miss him so much. I catch myself wanting to ask Memaw how he is doing when I call her sometimes. When I go back to their house, I miss walking in and Grandaddy saying, "Hey 'co hutt" and being so happy to see me. I have found peace in knowing that he was loved by SO many and how people thought so much of him. I also find peace in knowing that he is no longer suffering and is not living a life that he was not happy with because he felt like a burden. I also find peace in knowing that Jagger has very special connection with him by sharing his birthday. While Jagger never got to meet him, I still tell him about his Grandaddy often.
I miss you and love you grandaddy.
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Rock n' Roll
Jagger does this thing now where he gets up on his hands and knees and rocks back and forth, it is hilarious! I am going to try and get it on video and post it when I get a new computer. He can go backwards good and spins circles really good, but not forward yet. I know I am in trouble when he figures it out! The poor little guy is trying to cut his 2 top teeth and they are giving him a hard time. I hope they come in soon. He also LOVES to stand up now, he thinks he is such a big boy and he can stand for a long time.
I went for my pre-op appointment yesterday, which was a joke, but I am cleared for surgery. The waiting room had tons of people waiting, they even made someone put on a mask. Everytime I had to touch something, I pulled out the germ-x and cleaned my hands. I didn't let Jagger touch anything and if he did, I rubbed his hands with the germ-x after putting it on my hands. I am supposed to have my last therapy appointment on Thursday, but I don't think I am going to go. I feel 1000% better and don't feel like I benefit from it anymore. I also had my thyroid rechecked yesterday. I will get the results either today or tomorrow.
I am itching to decorate for halloween and fall, but I am going to try and make myself wait until the end of September/begining of October!
I went for my pre-op appointment yesterday, which was a joke, but I am cleared for surgery. The waiting room had tons of people waiting, they even made someone put on a mask. Everytime I had to touch something, I pulled out the germ-x and cleaned my hands. I didn't let Jagger touch anything and if he did, I rubbed his hands with the germ-x after putting it on my hands. I am supposed to have my last therapy appointment on Thursday, but I don't think I am going to go. I feel 1000% better and don't feel like I benefit from it anymore. I also had my thyroid rechecked yesterday. I will get the results either today or tomorrow.
I am itching to decorate for halloween and fall, but I am going to try and make myself wait until the end of September/begining of October!
Friday, September 11, 2009
Thursday, September 10, 2009
I forgot to add in the post below that Jagger said "dada" on Tuesday while we were in Home Depot. Both, Aaron and I heard him say it, but he hasn't said it since.
The poor little fella has a cold and is not feeling so well today. He has a fever, which could be from the flu vaccine or that he got 5 total vaccines yesterday. He also has had diarrhea. I think I remember him having more bowel movements last time he got the rotavirus vaccine.
Also, I had to reschedule my surgery for Monday the 21st, because I woke up with a fever and an upset stomach.
The poor little fella has a cold and is not feeling so well today. He has a fever, which could be from the flu vaccine or that he got 5 total vaccines yesterday. He also has had diarrhea. I think I remember him having more bowel movements last time he got the rotavirus vaccine.
Also, I had to reschedule my surgery for Monday the 21st, because I woke up with a fever and an upset stomach.
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
My baby is already 7 months old?
Seriously, where does time go? There is no way my sweet little baby boy should already be 7 months old. We had his 6 month appointment today. He weighs 16 lbs. (10th percentile), 26.5 inches long (29th percentile), and 44.5 cm for head (55th percentile). His check-up went well, she said he is still growing good. She was also amazed at how personable he is, which is surprising since he is with me most of the time and not around other people. She also said that they start looking for signs of autism at this age. He makes very good eye contact, so that is a good sign. He got 4 shots and one oral vaccine. He cried when they gave them to him, but was fine when I picked him up. She said his top 2 teeth will be in soon, which I knew they probably were. Overall, a good appointment.
We went back to TN last Monday and returned on this Monday. It was one of the best trips back to TN that we have had since moving up here. I really enjoyed getting to spend time with my grandmother and I know she thoroughly enjoyed us! We came home with more toys than we had, I am afraid of what Christmas is going to be like! We chose a guardian for Jagger if something were to happen to both Aaron and I and I am very happy with our choice and know that he will be in good hands. I sure hope it never comes to that, though.
Jagger is now sitting unassisted for periods of time. He is trying really hard to figure out crawling and I think it is really close. He kind of scoots around on his tummy right now. He loves to stand up. He thinks he is such a big boy! He is not a fan of jar baby food, but still loves his fresh food.
I will post pictures when I can.
We went back to TN last Monday and returned on this Monday. It was one of the best trips back to TN that we have had since moving up here. I really enjoyed getting to spend time with my grandmother and I know she thoroughly enjoyed us! We came home with more toys than we had, I am afraid of what Christmas is going to be like! We chose a guardian for Jagger if something were to happen to both Aaron and I and I am very happy with our choice and know that he will be in good hands. I sure hope it never comes to that, though.
Jagger is now sitting unassisted for periods of time. He is trying really hard to figure out crawling and I think it is really close. He kind of scoots around on his tummy right now. He loves to stand up. He thinks he is such a big boy! He is not a fan of jar baby food, but still loves his fresh food.
I will post pictures when I can.
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
I have been meaning to post this for a few days now. Keep this family in your thoughts and prayers, they recently had triplets that were doing great. One of them passed away suddenly on Saturday. They have to be one of the strongest couples I have ever seen.
Going back to TN
We have been planning to go back to TN on Sept. 10th for my Mom's birthday and Aaron's class reunion, but it looks like I may be headed that way on Monday to stay for the week! Aaron will come on Thursday after he is done visiting his customer and then we will leave on Monday probably. I called my mom to see if that was ok with her and she, of course, was very happy that we would be there for a week instead of 2 days. So, we will see some of you next week!
Jagger seems to be getting better with his sleeping, thank goodness! We went for a visit with my friend from work that had twins a month ago yesterday. Jagger was very interested in those tiny little babies! It is hard to believe that he used to be that small! He is eating his solids like a champ now. I give him breakfast and dinner. His poops are not so great though. They smell horrible and they are getting thick, ugh. We have a battle ahead of us. Jagger will not take a bottle any more and he has to when I have surgery. I am watching him and Emma play right now, it is so cute!
Jagger seems to be getting better with his sleeping, thank goodness! We went for a visit with my friend from work that had twins a month ago yesterday. Jagger was very interested in those tiny little babies! It is hard to believe that he used to be that small! He is eating his solids like a champ now. I give him breakfast and dinner. His poops are not so great though. They smell horrible and they are getting thick, ugh. We have a battle ahead of us. Jagger will not take a bottle any more and he has to when I have surgery. I am watching him and Emma play right now, it is so cute!
Friday, August 21, 2009
Surgery is set
I will be having my gall bladder removed on September 25th. They said it is best to have it removed now instead of waiting until it becomes an emergency. It will be an outpatient procedure, thank goodness. The surgeon and the PA were both very nice and informative. They told me to lay off the greasy food such as McDondald's and french fires, yet those don't seem to bother me. I have noticed that hamburgers trigger my pains. I am ready to get it over with so that I can eat what I want to again!
Jagger has been super cranky this week. I have no idea what is wrong with him. I have tried everything to make him happy and nothing seems to help. I think going to work is easier than being a stay at home mom some days!
Jagger has been super cranky this week. I have no idea what is wrong with him. I have tried everything to make him happy and nothing seems to help. I think going to work is easier than being a stay at home mom some days!
Monday, August 17, 2009
Chin dripping peaches and a BFF
Jagger tried peaches on Saturday and really liked them. I gave them to him again tonight and he ate 2 WHOLE cubes! He never finishes a cube of anything, so I would say he LOVES peaches! I tasted them and they are quite delicious! I couldn't feed them to him fast enough.
Jagger and Emma are best friends! They play with each other love on each other, share kisses, and soon probably get into trouble together. Seriously, they love each other. If you know Emma, you know she loves her basketballs. She has one end and Jagger has the other playing away! I took Emma to the vet on Friday and when they brought her back in from getting a x-ray, Jagger gave her a big hug! Best friends already!
There is a circus coming to town on Thursday and it will be right across the street from our house! They supposedly bring the animals over and let you pet them. Aaron took off that day to go to the dr with me, so hopefully we will get to pet some of the animals. We are not going to the circus because I don't think Jagger would enjoy it and maybe get scared. I also don't want a lion or tiger to think he looks delicious and try to eat him ;)
Jagger and Emma are best friends! They play with each other love on each other, share kisses, and soon probably get into trouble together. Seriously, they love each other. If you know Emma, you know she loves her basketballs. She has one end and Jagger has the other playing away! I took Emma to the vet on Friday and when they brought her back in from getting a x-ray, Jagger gave her a big hug! Best friends already!
There is a circus coming to town on Thursday and it will be right across the street from our house! They supposedly bring the animals over and let you pet them. Aaron took off that day to go to the dr with me, so hopefully we will get to pet some of the animals. We are not going to the circus because I don't think Jagger would enjoy it and maybe get scared. I also don't want a lion or tiger to think he looks delicious and try to eat him ;)
Thursday, August 13, 2009
Picture Time!
There are a more pictures of Jagger on the shutterfly site, it takes too long to upload them on here.

I love this one!

With this look on his face, I am in big trouble when he gets on the move!

"My way or no way, Mom!"

He loves to read!

His first candle lit bath! Our power was off and it was time for his bath, so Aaron lit a candle and Jagger got a bath!

I love this one!

With this look on his face, I am in big trouble when he gets on the move!

"My way or no way, Mom!"

He loves to read!

His first candle lit bath! Our power was off and it was time for his bath, so Aaron lit a candle and Jagger got a bath!
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