Jagger rocking his fauxhawk :)
Jagger slept for 9 hours last night! That means I got 7 hours of straight sleep and it has never felt so good! I woke up at 4 and looked at the monitor and he was still dead asleep, then I got to thinking is he ok, is he still breathing? I got up and had to put my hand on his chest, up and down, up and down, I felt so relieved! He woke up 45 minutes later and I fed him and he was out again. He slept until 7, so that is 11 1/2 hours that he slept and only woke up once! He never opened his eyes when he woke up to eat, so it was more like a dream feed. I don't think I have gotten 7 hours of sleep since well before he was even born because I would have to get up and pee. Ahhh, sleep :)
Well, we put in an offer on the house that we loved on Friday with a deadline for them to get back to us on Saturday. After we left, our buyer's agent called to tell us that it would be Sunday before we heard anything because supposedly the wife was out of town, but really they were waiting on another offer. They accepted the other offer, but that is ok, that means that house was not for us. We are back on the search now and we will see where that takes us. We are not putting an offer in on the other house because we have decided that it probably isn't for us. It only has 1 closet in the whole house and the stairs seem pretty dangerous for Jagger.
I am going to look for a cord for the camcorder today, so hopefully Jagger videos will be here soon!!
This may be TMI for some, so beware! I had a BIG decrease in my milk that I started noticing at the end of last week and I had no clue why. I started to panic because I was scared that I was drying up for no reason and, as you know, I want to breastfeed for as long as possible. I started taking fenugreek ( an herbal supplement) again, drinking tons of water and nursing Jagger for as long as possible. It sees to be getting better, but I think I know the cause of this decrease, I got my period. This freaking sucks, you are not supposed to get your period while you are breast feeding, but of course I am one of the unlucky ones! I do have to say though, this is the easiest period I have ever had. I got the Mirena IUD almost a month ago, and I am totally loving it now that I see what my period will be like, besides the fact that I don't have to remember to take a pill daily that is not nearly as effective. I would recommend this to anyone that has horrible periods, is very forgetful, like me, and is looking for a long term birth control!! It did not hurt when it was inserted, so don't let that scare you!