Saturday, October 31, 2009
Thursday, October 29, 2009
Future Picaso?
Thursday, October 22, 2009
Poor Jagger :(
Jagger has felt really crappy since Sunday. He has been really hoarse, had a fever, just overall lousy. I called the nurse on Tuesday to see if I should bring him in and she thought it was probably croup, well it hadn't gotten any better today, so I thought it was time to take him in. The poor fella has blisters on his tonsils and possibly on his vocal cords, which is why he is hoarse. The dr. said it was a viral infection and that we just let it run its coarse, but it should improve within 24 hours. A plus side, I have gotten lots of snuggles and cuddles!
Well, the baking business is starting to come together! You will be ale to find me at sugar-overload.com, it is not ready just yet though. I will keep you updated on the progress!
Monday, October 19, 2009
7 hours
Jagger slept for 7 straight hours last night! He went to bed at 6:30, woke up at 10. Aaron went and gave him his paci and he went back to sleep within a couple of minutes and didn't wake up again until 5, that is right, 7 hours of sleep!! I nursed him and he went back to sleep until 7 this morning. When he goes to bed at night, he fusses until I close the door and then he is out. It seems to be getting better every night and he seems alot happier and not near as fussy during the day.
He is now eating table food instead of purees. He will not eat purees, but will shovel in finger foods. The first thing we gave him was chicken and rice, he loved it! Yesterday for breakfast, he had cinnamon rolls! This will make Aaron and I have to start eating healthier if I am having to cook for Jagger also.
Friday, October 16, 2009
Story Time

Jagger and I attended story time at the library today. It was fun, even though Jagger was not very interested. Story time was about firefighters, so we got to tour the firehouse. Jagger mostly liked watching all of the other kids! He put on a show for them when we were at the fire station just talking away! There were other moms there that had babies around his age, but the also had toddlers. I am not sure if we will go back, but we might just to get out of the house. I may try to find something else that is more for babies. After story time, we went to have lunch with daddy and then went to Marshall's, where Jagger got more books. He is soon going to have his own little library!
We have decided to rent a cabin during the Thanksgiving holiday in upstate WI. My mom and possibly my brother and his girlfriend are going to come along. We are hoping to see some black bears or even moose! It should be fun!
I am seriously considering starting up my own baking business. I am making cookies for the clinic I used to work at for their open house and I have already been asked to make 2 wedding cakes for next fall. I think it would be a good opportunity to make some extra money (to spend on Jagger of course) and I would be able to control how much I do and when I work, while staying at home with Jagger. I have come up with the name Sugar Overload.....what do you think?
Thursday, October 15, 2009
Ahhh, sleep
So, I finally gave in and decided that it was time for Jagger to learn to put himself to sleep and sleep in his bed. Aaron has had to make me not go get Jagger and bring him to bed because I miss snuggling with him, but I have to tell myself that it is best for him and best to do it now. It has not been that bad. The first night he cried for just over 30 min. and then would cry for less than 5 minutes when he would wake up in the night. Last night he was asleep in 13 minutes. He woke up just 2 to 3 times and fussed for less than a minute each time. He seems so happy and much better rested. I also feel much more rested. I think we are doing the right thing, despite me saying that I would never do it. I feel that we tried all other options and this was the last thing to try.
I have alot of pictures to post, maybe one day I will get to it! Now that Jagger is bigger, I have to keep up with him and I am a freak about keeping the house clean! I am thinking of starting a different blog that will have recipes, cleaning tips, and about being a stay at home mom and wife in general.
Thursday, October 8, 2009
Well, Jagger is crawling! It is not your traditional crawl, it is more like an army crawl, but he can get from point a to point b. He also is zooming around in his walker more and more. I have video of him chasing Emma and he is just laughing! I will try to upload it soon.
Cousin Dylan has been here this week staying with us for his fall break. We went to the apple orchard and pumpkin patch on Sunday, it was so much fun! We went to the zoo yesterday and it was just a gorgeous day. Today we are going to attempt to go to the movies, not sure how that is going to work with Jagger, but we will see.
Can you believe that my baby boy is 8 months old today? I sure can't, where does time go? I suppose it is time to start planning the big 1st birthday party! I am still trying to come up with what to get him for Christmas. I am thinking of either something to ride on, like this, or a pottery barn anywhere chair. Then we will just do books.
I guess it is getting to be that time of year up here, it is cold! Next week there are only 1 or 2 days when the low is above freezing, one day it is even 26 :0 I am on the search for the perfect little coat for my man! You know he must be styling!
I have lots of pictures to upload, so I will as soon as I get time.
Saturday, October 3, 2009
VOTE for Jagger
He wants to be the next babyGap model, it is his favorite store!! You can vote once daily until Nov. 17th. We would truly appreciate it!
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