Aaron says that I am becoming a hoarder, but I disagree! It is all such a steal, but I have quit buying things unless they are absolutely free or a money maker. Like this:
Gillette Clinical Strength Deodorant $1.79 each x 3 = $5.37
Gillette Body Wash $3.54
Colgate Toothpaste $3.99
Gillette $2 off 1 clinical strength deodorant -$2
Gillette $4 off 2 deodorants or body washes -$4
Gillette Buy one deodorant get a body wash free -$3.54
Colgate $1 off any sensitive toothpaste -$1
Toothpaste $4 back in RR at Walgreens -$4
$12.90-$14.54= $1.64
That is right people, I had a money maker of $1.64!
P.S. Do you ever watch that show about hoarding? It is totally disgusting how people can live like that.
Would you like to see more scenarios like this? I am happy to put them up as I find them.