Tuesday, October 28, 2008

It snowed!

We got our first flurries of the season yesterday! It was very pretty, especially since it did not stick! It is really cold out. The lows are in the low 20's and the highs in the low to mid 40's. It is supposed to warm up some for Halloween though.

I think my stomach is growing daily! I put on a scrub top yesterday that had been fitting ok, not comfortable, but it worked. Well it was so tight on my stomach I thought the seams were going to rip at any point yesterday. I really wish they would let me wear scrub pants and a long sleeve t-shirt, it would be so much more comfortable and I would not have to spend a ton on bigger scrubs since I don't know if I am going back to work. It is getting harder for me to bend over and pick stuff up these days. I am having to learn new ways to pick whatever I drop in the floor, darn big belly :) My back is starting to hurt too, oh well.

I was reading in some of my books and websites about the babies developement this week and he weighs almost 2 lbs. and is around 14 inches long (head to toe)! He is getting big! This week his eyelids begin to open. I can definitely feel him anytime he is moving now. At work he is pretty still until I get still and then he gets to moving! I love feeling him and especially seeing his little kicks and punches from the outside!

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