Friday, February 27, 2009
12 ozs. in 4 days
That is right, Jagger gained 12 ozs. in since Monday! He has become a little piggy! I am so glad that he gained weight and that I know he is getting what he needs to eat. The pedi and nurses were quite impressed with his weight gain!
Thursday, February 26, 2009
My little boy is growing up

Here is a new picture of Jagger. I can't believe how much he has changed in just 2 weeks, it makes me sad that my little boy is growing so quickly :(
We weighed him today, on our baby scale, and he weighed 7 lbs. 1 oz.!! That would put him 0.5 oz. over his birth weight. We go to the dr. in the morning to have his weight checked there.
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
We finally did it!
Jagger slept in the pack-n-play ALL night!! He was very content in there and I even put him in when he wasn't fully asleep and he went to sleep by himself!! I am so proud on him, and me!! Aaron said he didn't like it because when Jagger made noises, he couldn't just look over to make sure he was ok. I am going to continue to make him sleep in the pack-n-play and maybe see if he will sleep in his own room within the next week. I know I slept much better, and I am sure he did too.
He has been eating like a little pig, thank goodness!! I have been exclusively pumping so that I know how much breast milk he is getting and it seems to be working really well for all of us. He has not had much formula since I am doing this. We bought a baby scale and according to it, he gained 3 1/2 ozs. in one day! The pedi said the average is 1 oz. a day.
He has been eating like a little pig, thank goodness!! I have been exclusively pumping so that I know how much breast milk he is getting and it seems to be working really well for all of us. He has not had much formula since I am doing this. We bought a baby scale and according to it, he gained 3 1/2 ozs. in one day! The pedi said the average is 1 oz. a day.
Monday, February 23, 2009
2 week check up
Jagger had his 2 week check up today. He weighed 6 lbs. 8 ozs, which is still 9 oz. below his birth weight. They like for breast fed babies to be back at there birth weight by now, so we are supplementing him with formula and go back to have him reweighed on Friday. I sure hope my little man gains weight by then. I feel so bad that he has not gained weight. I thought he was eating really well and Aaron and I both thought he had gained weight. It is hard when you breast feed to know how much milk he is getting and I always follow his cues to know when he is full. Thank goodness he has no problem going from breast to bottle. He got his first vaccine today, the hepatitis B vaccine. He did not like it, but it was not too bad.
Jagger is doing well otherwise. He had a fussy spell on Friday, but he did not poop for 36 hours. On Saturday, he was back to being a little angel! He really is such a good baby. I think Aaron and I fall more and more in love with him every day. I still can't believe that he has been with us for 2 weeks now. We will not be coming back to TN until after his 2 month dr. appointment. That is what the dr. recommended because that is when he will get his first set of vaccines. So, sometime in April, we will be coming to TN.
I am still doing fabulous :) My incision is still sore, but not painful. I think it will probably be sore for awhile, after all they cut into my abdominal wall. I am officially back to my pre-pregnancy weight. Don't ask me how I did it, because I have no idea, but very glad! Now I just need to lose about 15-20 more lbs., get rid of my "battle wounds" aka stretch marks and my "dough" aka extra skin! My incision, from what I can tell, looks really good, it is the least of my concerns!
Jagger is doing well otherwise. He had a fussy spell on Friday, but he did not poop for 36 hours. On Saturday, he was back to being a little angel! He really is such a good baby. I think Aaron and I fall more and more in love with him every day. I still can't believe that he has been with us for 2 weeks now. We will not be coming back to TN until after his 2 month dr. appointment. That is what the dr. recommended because that is when he will get his first set of vaccines. So, sometime in April, we will be coming to TN.
I am still doing fabulous :) My incision is still sore, but not painful. I think it will probably be sore for awhile, after all they cut into my abdominal wall. I am officially back to my pre-pregnancy weight. Don't ask me how I did it, because I have no idea, but very glad! Now I just need to lose about 15-20 more lbs., get rid of my "battle wounds" aka stretch marks and my "dough" aka extra skin! My incision, from what I can tell, looks really good, it is the least of my concerns!
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
Trying to break the habit
Why did I even let Jagger start sleeping with me? Last night I decided that I would try to get him to sleep in the pack n play, it didn't go so well. He never cried or anything, he just would not stay asleep. Every time I would get him sleeping and I would fall asleep, he would be awake again. I kept trying until about 4 am and gave up. I put him in the bed with me because I was exhausted. I did put him in bed on a sleep positioner, so he was not right up next to me, but close. On Sunday night I woke up and his little face was planted on my chest and that scares the crap out of me because he could suffocate. Hopefully he will get used to sleeping by himself soon. Like I have said before, I don't want a 8 year old sleeping with me!
On Sunday, Jagger was 1 week old. I can't believe that it has already been over a week since I had this little guy. He is already growing so much. We have a footed sleeper on him today that fits him pretty well, but would have swallowed him this time last week. He is such a good baby. He is never fussy and is always so content. I hope it stays this way! He doesn't like to take a bath and he sometimes gets mad when we change his diaper, but that is it. After his bath, he acts like he feels much better though. His hair is all over the place after his bath. It sticks up everywhere!
I am still doing good. I have read horror stories about recovery from a c-section, but I think I have gotten lucky so far. I rarely take anything for pain, maybe motrin once a day and that is only if I have over done it the day before or if I laid wrong on my incision. I only have 3 lbs. to go to be back at my pre-pregnancy weight.
On Sunday, Jagger was 1 week old. I can't believe that it has already been over a week since I had this little guy. He is already growing so much. We have a footed sleeper on him today that fits him pretty well, but would have swallowed him this time last week. He is such a good baby. He is never fussy and is always so content. I hope it stays this way! He doesn't like to take a bath and he sometimes gets mad when we change his diaper, but that is it. After his bath, he acts like he feels much better though. His hair is all over the place after his bath. It sticks up everywhere!
I am still doing good. I have read horror stories about recovery from a c-section, but I think I have gotten lucky so far. I rarely take anything for pain, maybe motrin once a day and that is only if I have over done it the day before or if I laid wrong on my incision. I only have 3 lbs. to go to be back at my pre-pregnancy weight.
Saturday, February 14, 2009
Woo hoo!!!
I have already lost 20lbs!!!!!! I only have 9 more to go! I am beyond excited! Now I just need to work on the extra skin when I can exercise again.
We had to take Jagger back today to have his bilirubin level rechecked and it has finally gone down!! I fed him so much yesterday, so I was sure hoping that it was going down. I am so happy that the little guy doesn't have to have his heel poked again. He has been such a trooper about it the past 2 times though. He also gained 4 ounces in one day! He is up to 6 lbs. 12 ozs! He is "watching", aka sleeping through, his first Tiger's game with his daddy!
This is not from today, but as you can see, he is already a fan!
This is the best Valentine's ever, I have spent the day with my 2 favorite men!
We had to take Jagger back today to have his bilirubin level rechecked and it has finally gone down!! I fed him so much yesterday, so I was sure hoping that it was going down. I am so happy that the little guy doesn't have to have his heel poked again. He has been such a trooper about it the past 2 times though. He also gained 4 ounces in one day! He is up to 6 lbs. 12 ozs! He is "watching", aka sleeping through, his first Tiger's game with his daddy!

This is the best Valentine's ever, I have spent the day with my 2 favorite men!
Friday, February 13, 2009
We are home!
We got to come home yesterday. It feels so good to finally be at home. Jagger's bilirubin level started to level off, so they let us come home. We had to recheck it this morning and it has gone up, but still not in a danger zone, so we have to go back tomorrow to have it rechecked again. I am supposed to be feeding him as much as he will eat. The problem is that I have to wake him up to eat and then he falls asleep in no time. He has a few good feedings, but most of them are 10-15 minutes. My milk has finally come in, so hopefully that will help flush the bilirubin out.
Last night was not as bad as I thought it would be or like I have been told. Jagger started out in the pack-n-play sleeping, but he kept waking up every hour, so I finally just put him in bed with me and he slept until I woke him up. I have never slept so good! I feel so lucky to have such a good baby. We are not going to continue to let him sleep with us because it is not good for any of us. I don't want a 10 year sleeping with us!
We have lots of pictures that I will get on here one day!
Last night was not as bad as I thought it would be or like I have been told. Jagger started out in the pack-n-play sleeping, but he kept waking up every hour, so I finally just put him in bed with me and he slept until I woke him up. I have never slept so good! I feel so lucky to have such a good baby. We are not going to continue to let him sleep with us because it is not good for any of us. I don't want a 10 year sleeping with us!
We have lots of pictures that I will get on here one day!
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
Jagger's bilirubin level
I was discharged this morning since I have not had a fever for 48 hours, which Aaron and I were very happy about. We were glad that we would finally get to take him home to meet his brother and sisters. I was glad that I was finally going to be able to get out of the room after being stuck in it since Monday morning.
Jagger's pediatrician came in and told us that his bilirubin levels had gone up and that he would probably need to have phototherapy treatment. They drew a blood sample, poor little guy has had his little heel stuck so many times, and they came back that his levels were rising. He is now on a bili-blanket to help get his levels down and we will be staying here until he gets to go home. Hopefully we will still get to go home this evening and then go have him rechecked in the morning to make sure his levels are staying down. So we are just sitting around, once again. Hopefully we will get to go home soon.
I am recovering very well. I can get up out of bed and walk around with no trouble now and I only take motrin when I need it. I am so glad my recovery is going so well and I am getting to enjoy my little prince! He is a pro at breastfeeding. We have both gotten the hang of it. He latches on with no problems now and I have found a postion that works for both of us to nurse him. He is such a little piggy! I am so glad that everything is going so well with our little family! Hopefully the wieners will like him! Aaron tells me that I am spoiling him already because I let him sleep with me last night. He is such a little cuddle bug, I couldn't resist :)
Jagger's pediatrician came in and told us that his bilirubin levels had gone up and that he would probably need to have phototherapy treatment. They drew a blood sample, poor little guy has had his little heel stuck so many times, and they came back that his levels were rising. He is now on a bili-blanket to help get his levels down and we will be staying here until he gets to go home. Hopefully we will still get to go home this evening and then go have him rechecked in the morning to make sure his levels are staying down. So we are just sitting around, once again. Hopefully we will get to go home soon.
I am recovering very well. I can get up out of bed and walk around with no trouble now and I only take motrin when I need it. I am so glad my recovery is going so well and I am getting to enjoy my little prince! He is a pro at breastfeeding. We have both gotten the hang of it. He latches on with no problems now and I have found a postion that works for both of us to nurse him. He is such a little piggy! I am so glad that everything is going so well with our little family! Hopefully the wieners will like him! Aaron tells me that I am spoiling him already because I let him sleep with me last night. He is such a little cuddle bug, I couldn't resist :)
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
Jagger's Birth Story
I don't think that Jagger was ever going to come on his on! Aaron and I are SO in love with him. I can't imagine my life without him in it.
As you know I was induced on Sunday 2/8. We got to the hospital around 5 am and I was admitted. They checked my cervix to see the route we would be taking to meet this little guy. I was still only 2 cm dialted, 50% effaced and -2 station, so the dr. decided that I should be started on pitocin and that rupturing my membranes would not be the best idea. So, I am started on pitocin around 6 am. They kept increasing it every 30 minutes, and after 8 hours, I had still made no progress and was really comfortable through all of the contractions, so the dr. decided to rupture my membranes to get things going. I thought I was going to have to start swimming with all of the water that gushed out! The drs. and nurses kept saying "Wow, this is alot of water"! After about a hour, the pain was getting pretty intense, so I was checked again and I was at 4 cm, 75% effaced, but still -2 station. I asked for an epidural at this point. After 2 hours the anesthesiologist finally came in, right after I was given morphine. I was in heaven then! I could not feel anything, nor do I remember much, because of the morphine. Things really started to pick up and the baby became distressed. I don't remember alot of it, which I am sorta of happy about, because I would have been freaking out even more. Every time I would have a contraction, his heart rate would drop way down. They had to place an internal monitor on him and I could only lay on my left side with oxygen. The pitocin was turned off to help him recover. I had finally made it to 10 cm, 100% effaced, but still was only at -1 station. His head would not drop into the birth canal. I started pushing around 9 pm, but by 10:30 pm, he was still really high and the dr. was afraid he would get distressed again if I kept trying to push and thought the best option was to have a c-section. I did not want to have a c-section, but I wanted what was best for him and I was already so tired and weak from vomiting and I didn't feel like I would have ever been able to push him for many more hours that were to come. So after 17 1/2 hours of labor, Jagger William was brought into this world at 11:31 pm on February 8th weighing 7 lbs. 1 oz. and measuring 21 inches. It was love at first sight! I have never seen a prouder daddy either!
So, he barely made it for his great-grandfather's birthday. His first name is a name that Aaron and I both feel in love with when I found it and his middle name is after my grandfather. His bilirubin levels are slightly elevated, but they are keeping a close eye on them and are not much concern at this point.
Here are a few pictures, there are many more to come!
As you know I was induced on Sunday 2/8. We got to the hospital around 5 am and I was admitted. They checked my cervix to see the route we would be taking to meet this little guy. I was still only 2 cm dialted, 50% effaced and -2 station, so the dr. decided that I should be started on pitocin and that rupturing my membranes would not be the best idea. So, I am started on pitocin around 6 am. They kept increasing it every 30 minutes, and after 8 hours, I had still made no progress and was really comfortable through all of the contractions, so the dr. decided to rupture my membranes to get things going. I thought I was going to have to start swimming with all of the water that gushed out! The drs. and nurses kept saying "Wow, this is alot of water"! After about a hour, the pain was getting pretty intense, so I was checked again and I was at 4 cm, 75% effaced, but still -2 station. I asked for an epidural at this point. After 2 hours the anesthesiologist finally came in, right after I was given morphine. I was in heaven then! I could not feel anything, nor do I remember much, because of the morphine. Things really started to pick up and the baby became distressed. I don't remember alot of it, which I am sorta of happy about, because I would have been freaking out even more. Every time I would have a contraction, his heart rate would drop way down. They had to place an internal monitor on him and I could only lay on my left side with oxygen. The pitocin was turned off to help him recover. I had finally made it to 10 cm, 100% effaced, but still was only at -1 station. His head would not drop into the birth canal. I started pushing around 9 pm, but by 10:30 pm, he was still really high and the dr. was afraid he would get distressed again if I kept trying to push and thought the best option was to have a c-section. I did not want to have a c-section, but I wanted what was best for him and I was already so tired and weak from vomiting and I didn't feel like I would have ever been able to push him for many more hours that were to come. So after 17 1/2 hours of labor, Jagger William was brought into this world at 11:31 pm on February 8th weighing 7 lbs. 1 oz. and measuring 21 inches. It was love at first sight! I have never seen a prouder daddy either!
So, he barely made it for his great-grandfather's birthday. His first name is a name that Aaron and I both feel in love with when I found it and his middle name is after my grandfather. His bilirubin levels are slightly elevated, but they are keeping a close eye on them and are not much concern at this point.
Here are a few pictures, there are many more to come!
Friday, February 6, 2009
Only 2 days left!
If you read my post yesterday, I am sorry you had to. I was just having a moment and I am doing better now :]
I can't believe that in 2 days I will FINALLY get to meet my precious baby boy. Oh, what if he is a she?! She better like blue, that is all I know! Anyway, I am beyond excited! I will finally have a complete family with the man of my dreams, what I have been looking forward to for many, many years! I actually slept pretty good last night. The baby settled in better so he was not in my ribs all night.
This week I have tried to just take it easy, without getting too bored. I have gone to eat lunch with Aaron 2 times, I made sugar cookies and frosted them with royal icing for the ladies at work, I have cleaned on a daily basis, and just hung out with my 3 babies! Yesterday, Aaron came home early from work and we played the Wii together. Even though he says I cheated, I beat him in all the games we played together, yes even golf! :)
I was thinking this morning about how much our life is about to change, just the small things. Like, when we go out for dinner now, it will be a table for 3, not 2. How crazy is that!
I am not doing much today, my mom is on her way now. I need to go get a few things that I have thought we need from Target later, but otherwise, nothing. Maybe I will take a walk around the block since it is going to be such a beautiful day.
I will try to keep this updated as much as possible after the baby is born, but I am sure it will be hard at first.
I can't believe that in 2 days I will FINALLY get to meet my precious baby boy. Oh, what if he is a she?! She better like blue, that is all I know! Anyway, I am beyond excited! I will finally have a complete family with the man of my dreams, what I have been looking forward to for many, many years! I actually slept pretty good last night. The baby settled in better so he was not in my ribs all night.
This week I have tried to just take it easy, without getting too bored. I have gone to eat lunch with Aaron 2 times, I made sugar cookies and frosted them with royal icing for the ladies at work, I have cleaned on a daily basis, and just hung out with my 3 babies! Yesterday, Aaron came home early from work and we played the Wii together. Even though he says I cheated, I beat him in all the games we played together, yes even golf! :)
I was thinking this morning about how much our life is about to change, just the small things. Like, when we go out for dinner now, it will be a table for 3, not 2. How crazy is that!
I am not doing much today, my mom is on her way now. I need to go get a few things that I have thought we need from Target later, but otherwise, nothing. Maybe I will take a walk around the block since it is going to be such a beautiful day.
I will try to keep this updated as much as possible after the baby is born, but I am sure it will be hard at first.
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
Eviction date is set
I went to the dr. today, instead of Thursday. I had to see a male dr., which I didn't really know about, but Aaron and I both LOVED him. He was so informative and super nice. I was not checked to see if I was dilated or effaced anymore because I really don't care to be and he said that it's not like he can predict labor by checking. He is prediciting that the baby will be 7 1/2 to 8 lbs. He said that you can go by how much I have gained and how much I weighed when I was born, which was around 7 1/2 lbs. I did gain 5 lbs. in the past week, but he said it was water weight, not all the doughnuts I ate yesterday :) So the date is set for February 8th, which would have been my grandaddy's birthday.
When I go in for the induction they will decide then how they will induce me. If I am effaced enough, they wil break my water and let nature take it's course, if not they will insert something that will soften my cervix to allow them to break my water. If breaking my water does not work, which he said only fails about 15% of the time, then I will be given pitocin IV. This is what I really hope does not happen because it causes such strong contractions. So we will see if he beats the date or if he will hang in there until Sunday. Aaron said he better not decide to come on Saturday when there is a big basketball game on!
When I go in for the induction they will decide then how they will induce me. If I am effaced enough, they wil break my water and let nature take it's course, if not they will insert something that will soften my cervix to allow them to break my water. If breaking my water does not work, which he said only fails about 15% of the time, then I will be given pitocin IV. This is what I really hope does not happen because it causes such strong contractions. So we will see if he beats the date or if he will hang in there until Sunday. Aaron said he better not decide to come on Saturday when there is a big basketball game on!
Monday, February 2, 2009
Happy due date!
I never thought I would make it to this day! I do think that he has finally dropped, because I have had alot of pelvic pressure since yesterday's walk. I am going to run some errands today and maybe walk around the mall, so maybe that will get things going even more! Last night I thought my water broke, because I felt this warm sensation all of the sudden, but I was not wet and I had just peed (in the toilet!). I don't know what that was about. I have been getting more contractions, some are even getting stronger.
Sunday, February 1, 2009
Maybe getting a little closer
I am hoping what I have been feeling is a good sign! I have been nauseous since yesterday and I vomited last night. I have also been feeling alot more contractions. They are not painful and unfortunately not regular. Aaron and I went grocery shopping this morning and went for a walk outside this afternoon. Hopefully that will help! Last night I woke up every 1 1/2 hours to 2 hours. Poor Aaron seemed to be awake every time I was awake also. This little boy seemed to be moving everytime I was awake also. Maybe he will make his debut in the next few days. We have our suitcase, the baby's bag, and the carseat all in the car, so all we have to do is get in the car and go.
Yesterday, Aaron and I had our last date as a married couple without children. We went to the movies and saw "Taken", which was really good, and then we went and ate at Uno's Chicago grill. We were going to finish it off with a blast from Sonic, but these people up here are so excited about the new Sonic that there was a huge line just to get in the place!
Aaron and I will be parents to a little baby boy in a week or less! What are we going to do with this little guy?!?! I don't think it has sunk in yet, for me, that I will be a mom in a matter or hours or days! I hope to be the best mother a child can want or have. He has, and always will, come before anything else in my life.
Yesterday, Aaron and I had our last date as a married couple without children. We went to the movies and saw "Taken", which was really good, and then we went and ate at Uno's Chicago grill. We were going to finish it off with a blast from Sonic, but these people up here are so excited about the new Sonic that there was a huge line just to get in the place!
Aaron and I will be parents to a little baby boy in a week or less! What are we going to do with this little guy?!?! I don't think it has sunk in yet, for me, that I will be a mom in a matter or hours or days! I hope to be the best mother a child can want or have. He has, and always will, come before anything else in my life.
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