Monday, February 23, 2009

2 week check up

Jagger had his 2 week check up today. He weighed 6 lbs. 8 ozs, which is still 9 oz. below his birth weight. They like for breast fed babies to be back at there birth weight by now, so we are supplementing him with formula and go back to have him reweighed on Friday. I sure hope my little man gains weight by then. I feel so bad that he has not gained weight. I thought he was eating really well and Aaron and I both thought he had gained weight. It is hard when you breast feed to know how much milk he is getting and I always follow his cues to know when he is full. Thank goodness he has no problem going from breast to bottle. He got his first vaccine today, the hepatitis B vaccine. He did not like it, but it was not too bad.

Jagger is doing well otherwise. He had a fussy spell on Friday, but he did not poop for 36 hours. On Saturday, he was back to being a little angel! He really is such a good baby. I think Aaron and I fall more and more in love with him every day. I still can't believe that he has been with us for 2 weeks now. We will not be coming back to TN until after his 2 month dr. appointment. That is what the dr. recommended because that is when he will get his first set of vaccines. So, sometime in April, we will be coming to TN.

I am still doing fabulous :) My incision is still sore, but not painful. I think it will probably be sore for awhile, after all they cut into my abdominal wall. I am officially back to my pre-pregnancy weight. Don't ask me how I did it, because I have no idea, but very glad! Now I just need to lose about 15-20 more lbs., get rid of my "battle wounds" aka stretch marks and my "dough" aka extra skin! My incision, from what I can tell, looks really good, it is the least of my concerns!

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