that is the question. For what you may be wondering, work that is! I don't know what changed in me over the weekend, but I now feel very differently about going back to work. I don't want to. Until now, I have been looking forward to going back just 24 hours a week and being around adults! I love the people there and I love my job, but I don't want to leave my little man with anyone else, even though it would probably be good for him! I know how to distinguish his cries and know exactly what he wants, most of the time anyway, and I am afraid that no one else would give him all of the attention that he needs. He is not a needy baby, really, but he knows that if he lets out just the slightest little cry, mommy comes running! So I am just not sure what to do. Financially, it makes no difference if I go back to work, so that does not help me make my decision. Aaron and I talked about it last night. He told me to just stay home. Ugh, I hate making decisions! I am afraid whatever decision I make, I will regret. I know that once Jagger starts pre-school in 2 or 3 years that I will want to go back to work. We shall see!
I was talking to my mom over the weekend telling her that I didn't know what I was going to do when I do have to leave Jagger with someone, that I will probably cry for days, and she offered to keep him over memorial weekend so that Aaron and I could go somewhere by ourselves. I would definitely cry if I left him overnight! It was a very nice thing of her to offer, but I just don't think I would be ready by then. Heck, when I left Jagger with Aaron so that I could go to the St. Patty's party, it took me 45 minutes to decide I should leave. Hopefully it will get better soon! My Memaw told me that she was going to keep Jagger for a couple of weeks when we come back for Easter!! Aaron and I decided last night that his Memaw just needs to live closer so she could keep him when I go to work!
Aaron and I decided over the weekend that a rocking chair might me a good thing to have, especially at night, because when we get up to feed Jagger at night, we could just put him in his swing and he would go back to sleep. It would take a little longer thanwe would hope for sometimes because he prefers to be held, so that is when we decided a rocking chair would be good! We got an upholstered glider yesterday, and I think he likes it! Aaron never liked the regular gliders because of little fingers getting in it and I just don't like the way they look. We found this glider at Baby Depot for a really good price.
We weighed Jagger yesterday and he is up to 8 lbs. 13.5 ozs.! He is getting to be such a big boy :( I think we are going to have to retire his first peice of clothing very soon. I remember when it swallowed him and now he is getting too long for it, it is a sleeper. I am going to wash some more of the clothes that I know he will be able to wear soon, but I still am not washing all of them because I don't know what is going to fit or not. With us having true seasons, it is hard to know what will fit in the right season.