We are taking Jagger to the pedi this evening because for the past few days he has been spitting up alot. He has never been one to spit up much, but he has been spitting up after every feeding and it is several times that he does it between feedings. He has also been more fussy, so I am thinking it has to do with this. If it is reflux, I sure hope they give him something to take because I know how bad it feels. Poor darling. He has his appointment for his vaccines on Monday and I am SO not looking forward to that! I will probably cry more than him!
Here are some pictures we took this weekend.

My mom made the gown.

"What are these Tigers doing?"

Admiring his brother and sisters!

Big Boy! His gran and paw bought him the shirt.
He is so precious! He is going to be so grown by the time we finally get to meet him. Wonderful pictures! Tell your mom she did a wonderful job on the outfit it is beautiful.
Hope can find problem and Jagger will be doing better. The gown your mother made is pretty. Looks good on him. But I haven't seen anything he doesn't look good in. good to get pictures of him and Emma Alex & Abby. Give him lots of hugs and kisses. Gran & paw
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