Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Jagger's new best friend!

I am working on getting Jagger to put himself to sleep, and it is not going too well. We have a white noise machine that also projects images on the ceiling, but it only works at night, so I began my search for something to use during the day. I looked at lots of mobiles, but then decided not to spend a fortune on one when he will outgrow it soon. I came across the fisher price seahorse. It was cheap and had good reviews, so I thought what the heck, I'll give it a try! I put it in his carseat with him when Aaron and I ran an errand and he was quiet the whole time the music was playing, which is rare for him! I then gave it to him in his swing, which he is not a fan of anymore, and he started putting it in his mouth like he was kissing it! When it came nap time, I put him in bed drowsy and turned it on, he is out! Maybe this will be the trick!

Here is a picture of him and his new friend!

1 comment:

The Romos said...

Alejandro loves an elephant that has a rattle in it his Aunt Ashley bought him. He 'kisses' it or bites it too.

I hope he doesn't outgrow this!