Friday, June 5, 2009

Sleep training

So, I have decided that we have to do something about Jagger not sleeping good. I read alot of reviews online and most say just let them cry it out (CIO) or deal with it. So, I kept looking for other books and came across "The No Cry Sleep Solution" by Elizabeth Pantley. I thought, I will give this a try. I went and bought it yesterday and have read about 1/4 of it. I have learned so much in just the amount I have read. I did not know what a babies sleep pattern was or that they slept so much lighter than we, as adults, do. I now know why he is waking up, not because he is hungry, but because he is going through his sleep cycles. We wake up and roll over or pull the cover up and never know it, but when he wakes up, he doesn't know how to put himself back to sleep except to nurse or get the paci. I have not read far enough to know what to do to get him to know how to put himself back to sleep yet. I did know that I wanted something that did not involve CIO though. That is not my style and there is no way I could ever let him cry for an hour straight, like some book suggest. Ferber suggest that you check in every few minutes and then gradually make it longer. From what I have gathered, you will have relapses, even if it works on the first night. CIO also does not teach the baby to self soothe, they just wear themselves out. While doing my research on what method I wanted to use for sleep training I also read that by tending to your baby and not letting them cry makes them more social and confident later in life. So, I will let you know how this sleep training goes! I knew it was time to do something when Aaron said he was afraid to talk to me at night when he got home. I don't want to be that way at all.

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