I have been meaning to post this for a few days now. Keep this family in your thoughts and prayers, they recently had triplets that were doing great. One of them passed away suddenly on Saturday. They have to be one of the strongest couples I have ever seen.
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
Going back to TN
We have been planning to go back to TN on Sept. 10th for my Mom's birthday and Aaron's class reunion, but it looks like I may be headed that way on Monday to stay for the week! Aaron will come on Thursday after he is done visiting his customer and then we will leave on Monday probably. I called my mom to see if that was ok with her and she, of course, was very happy that we would be there for a week instead of 2 days. So, we will see some of you next week!
Jagger seems to be getting better with his sleeping, thank goodness! We went for a visit with my friend from work that had twins a month ago yesterday. Jagger was very interested in those tiny little babies! It is hard to believe that he used to be that small! He is eating his solids like a champ now. I give him breakfast and dinner. His poops are not so great though. They smell horrible and they are getting thick, ugh. We have a battle ahead of us. Jagger will not take a bottle any more and he has to when I have surgery. I am watching him and Emma play right now, it is so cute!
Jagger seems to be getting better with his sleeping, thank goodness! We went for a visit with my friend from work that had twins a month ago yesterday. Jagger was very interested in those tiny little babies! It is hard to believe that he used to be that small! He is eating his solids like a champ now. I give him breakfast and dinner. His poops are not so great though. They smell horrible and they are getting thick, ugh. We have a battle ahead of us. Jagger will not take a bottle any more and he has to when I have surgery. I am watching him and Emma play right now, it is so cute!
Friday, August 21, 2009
Surgery is set
I will be having my gall bladder removed on September 25th. They said it is best to have it removed now instead of waiting until it becomes an emergency. It will be an outpatient procedure, thank goodness. The surgeon and the PA were both very nice and informative. They told me to lay off the greasy food such as McDondald's and french fires, yet those don't seem to bother me. I have noticed that hamburgers trigger my pains. I am ready to get it over with so that I can eat what I want to again!
Jagger has been super cranky this week. I have no idea what is wrong with him. I have tried everything to make him happy and nothing seems to help. I think going to work is easier than being a stay at home mom some days!
Jagger has been super cranky this week. I have no idea what is wrong with him. I have tried everything to make him happy and nothing seems to help. I think going to work is easier than being a stay at home mom some days!
Monday, August 17, 2009
Chin dripping peaches and a BFF
Jagger tried peaches on Saturday and really liked them. I gave them to him again tonight and he ate 2 WHOLE cubes! He never finishes a cube of anything, so I would say he LOVES peaches! I tasted them and they are quite delicious! I couldn't feed them to him fast enough.
Jagger and Emma are best friends! They play with each other love on each other, share kisses, and soon probably get into trouble together. Seriously, they love each other. If you know Emma, you know she loves her basketballs. She has one end and Jagger has the other playing away! I took Emma to the vet on Friday and when they brought her back in from getting a x-ray, Jagger gave her a big hug! Best friends already!
There is a circus coming to town on Thursday and it will be right across the street from our house! They supposedly bring the animals over and let you pet them. Aaron took off that day to go to the dr with me, so hopefully we will get to pet some of the animals. We are not going to the circus because I don't think Jagger would enjoy it and maybe get scared. I also don't want a lion or tiger to think he looks delicious and try to eat him ;)
Jagger and Emma are best friends! They play with each other love on each other, share kisses, and soon probably get into trouble together. Seriously, they love each other. If you know Emma, you know she loves her basketballs. She has one end and Jagger has the other playing away! I took Emma to the vet on Friday and when they brought her back in from getting a x-ray, Jagger gave her a big hug! Best friends already!
There is a circus coming to town on Thursday and it will be right across the street from our house! They supposedly bring the animals over and let you pet them. Aaron took off that day to go to the dr with me, so hopefully we will get to pet some of the animals. We are not going to the circus because I don't think Jagger would enjoy it and maybe get scared. I also don't want a lion or tiger to think he looks delicious and try to eat him ;)
Thursday, August 13, 2009
Picture Time!
There are a more pictures of Jagger on the shutterfly site, it takes too long to upload them on here.

I love this one!

With this look on his face, I am in big trouble when he gets on the move!

"My way or no way, Mom!"

He loves to read!

His first candle lit bath! Our power was off and it was time for his bath, so Aaron lit a candle and Jagger got a bath!

I love this one!

With this look on his face, I am in big trouble when he gets on the move!

"My way or no way, Mom!"

He loves to read!

His first candle lit bath! Our power was off and it was time for his bath, so Aaron lit a candle and Jagger got a bath!
Monday, August 10, 2009
6 months
I still can't believe my baby boy has been with us for 6 months now, time goes by WAY too quickly. I absolutely love to watch him grow and learn something new everyday. I am very thankful that I am able to stay at home with him. He is a busy little boy! Seriously, he wants to touch and explore EVERYTHING. When I am feeding him his big boy food, he is more interested in eating his toes! The more he can get his hands on, the happier he is! I am afraid I am going to have my hands full when he gets more mobile! If you remember, we got tons of things in the mail before he was even born about ADD/ADHD, was it a sign?!! I try to keep him entertained and keep his mind working, it can be hard at times though. He can sit up for a minute or so with the support of his hands in front of him, he likes to roll on his belly more now, he is trying to figure out the crawling thing, he likes to "walk" when he is held in position, he talks all the time, loves being outdoors, loves to rub Emma and Abby (Alex never gets close enough), blows raspberries when he gets frustrated, he likes reading books, likes music, and I am sure there is more I am missing! More and more people say he looks like his daddy. He is always SO happy. He screams at me and Aaron when we are rocking him to get him to sleep, hopefully that will end soon. I started sleep training, but that didn't go very far. I have gotten used to my baby being beside me at night and his sleep seems to be improving sleeping with us. I do think that I should move him to his crib soon because that is the only time Aaron and I have alone. Jagger likes to cuddle with his daddy in bed now too! When he wakes up in the morning, he will start talking, but if we ignore him, he will start playing with our face, like grabbing a nose, poking at an eye, grabbing lips, anything! For his 1/2 birthday, he got 2 new toys. We took lots of pictures of him. I still have to go through them and I will post them soon. Also, I made it 6 months of breast feeding Jagger! Now we have 6 more months to go and then I will start weaning him to cow's milk. He has eaten avocado, carrots, squash, apples, and bananas. He has liked all of them except the carrots!
I have an appointment on Friday with a surgeon about my gallbladder. I am glad that I will not have the pains anymore, I am just worried about how it will all work out with Jagger. I am hoping my mom can come up and help me out. If not, I am going to see if the sitter that used to keep Jagger can come and help me during the day until Aaron gets home. Jagger is such a mommy's boy that I am not sure how it will all work out.
I have an appointment on Friday with a surgeon about my gallbladder. I am glad that I will not have the pains anymore, I am just worried about how it will all work out with Jagger. I am hoping my mom can come up and help me out. If not, I am going to see if the sitter that used to keep Jagger can come and help me during the day until Aaron gets home. Jagger is such a mommy's boy that I am not sure how it will all work out.
Friday, August 7, 2009
Update on my gall bladder
I had my ultrasound yesterday. First, Aaron went with me so that he could watch Jagger and everyone that saw us said the he looked just like his daddy. Now, onto the ultrasound. I definitely have gall stones. The tech did not come out and tell me, but I asked. I could clearly see them, they were little round white spots. If you see white, it is a bone or some type of mineral deposit. She didn't say anything at first, I knew she wasn't supposed to, but then she said yes. There were 5 or 6 that I could see. They moved fairly easily and the lining of my gall bladder was not thickened or inflamed, which is good. I am waiting on my dr. to call now and see what he says. While I don't want to have surgery, I also don't want it to become an emergency. If I can have it removed on my time, I can get things lined up for who is going to take care of Jagger. I talked to my mom last night and she said she could come up and help me. We will see what the dr. says, hopefully today.
Can you believe my little man is going to be 6 months old tomorrow? I sure can't. It seems like I blinked and he grew into a little boy! I am trying to decide what type of cake he should have to celebrate! Of course, he will not be getting any, but mommy and daddy will enjoy it :)
Can you believe my little man is going to be 6 months old tomorrow? I sure can't. It seems like I blinked and he grew into a little boy! I am trying to decide what type of cake he should have to celebrate! Of course, he will not be getting any, but mommy and daddy will enjoy it :)
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
and the list grows..
I went to the dr. today to have my thyroid level rechecked. I loved this dr., he is awesome. He is very personable and seems to really care about his patients. So, he asked me questions about symptoms I had been having that may have been related to hypothyroidism. I had a few, but I would have never thought they had to do with my thyroid. He thinks that my thyroid is what brought on my depression. I will start weaning off of zoloft in about 6 months, more than likely. Then I was telling him about these sharp pains that I have been having in my right side. I got them in the hospital right after I had Jagger, but I thought they were just from giving birth and the c-section. They continued off and on for a few weeks, one being so severe I thought I was having a heart attack. I would have an episode maybe once a month, but I have had 2 since Saturday night. Nothing helps the pain, it is like someone stabbing me in the side. I also get naseaus with them some, but I have also just felt more naseasus in general. The pain also goes into my back near my shoulder blades. He kept grinning as I was describing all of these symptoms, so I kept thinking oh great, it is going to be my gall bladder! Then he had me lay down and he pressed on my abdomen, where my gall bladder is. It was tender. Then he asked me if I thought I knew what it was and I told him I thought it could be my gall bladder, just from some things I read online. He said that was at the top of his list of what he thought it is. So, I go tomorrow to have an ultrasound. If so, I will have to have it removed. That is what scares me. Not the surgery part, I just had a c-section, it can't be any worse the incision sites will be smaller, but how I will be able to take care of Jagger and continue to breast feed him. I know Aaron will help where he can, but he doesn't have much vacation time built up. I am not as concerned about contnue breastfeeding after reading several articles that say it is ok to nurse after going under general anesthesia. We will see how the ultrasound turns out.
I have never been sick, maybe the occasional cold, or had any medical problems until now!
I have never been sick, maybe the occasional cold, or had any medical problems until now!
Monday, August 3, 2009
Jagger has 2 teeth now. He got his second one, that I felt, on Sunday. Those little things are sharp! I am afraid of what he is going to do to me with them.
It is night 2 of sleep training. I finally finished the book that I started 2 months ago and we started last night with out plan. He is now sleeping in his crib. There are several different phases to follow to help him sleep longer and put himself back to sleep. For phase one, I am not rocking him for as long and putting him in his crib asleep, but not in a deep sleep. Last night I got up every hour, except once and he slept for a 2 hour stretch. At 3 am he apparently wanted to get up because I rocked for an hour and he would not go back to sleep, so I brought him to bed with us. Aaron said he was trying to play with him by touching his face and grab his arm, so he tried to cuddle him and get him to sleep. Jagger wanted NO part of it and screamed. We just ignored him and he went to sleep on his own. He was up for the day around 7:30. I got him to take a 2 hour nap, with only rocking him back to sleep once. This afternoon, not so good! He feel asleep while we were grocery shopping and then slept on the way home. I tried to get him to go back to sleep when we got home, but he wanted no part of it! He went to bed at 6:30 tonight. Hopefully we will make some progress in the next ten days. I am hoping that he will be sleeping 8 plus hours within a month and taking 2, 2 hour naps.
It is night 2 of sleep training. I finally finished the book that I started 2 months ago and we started last night with out plan. He is now sleeping in his crib. There are several different phases to follow to help him sleep longer and put himself back to sleep. For phase one, I am not rocking him for as long and putting him in his crib asleep, but not in a deep sleep. Last night I got up every hour, except once and he slept for a 2 hour stretch. At 3 am he apparently wanted to get up because I rocked for an hour and he would not go back to sleep, so I brought him to bed with us. Aaron said he was trying to play with him by touching his face and grab his arm, so he tried to cuddle him and get him to sleep. Jagger wanted NO part of it and screamed. We just ignored him and he went to sleep on his own. He was up for the day around 7:30. I got him to take a 2 hour nap, with only rocking him back to sleep once. This afternoon, not so good! He feel asleep while we were grocery shopping and then slept on the way home. I tried to get him to go back to sleep when we got home, but he wanted no part of it! He went to bed at 6:30 tonight. Hopefully we will make some progress in the next ten days. I am hoping that he will be sleeping 8 plus hours within a month and taking 2, 2 hour naps.
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