Friday, August 7, 2009

Update on my gall bladder

I had my ultrasound yesterday. First, Aaron went with me so that he could watch Jagger and everyone that saw us said the he looked just like his daddy. Now, onto the ultrasound. I definitely have gall stones. The tech did not come out and tell me, but I asked. I could clearly see them, they were little round white spots. If you see white, it is a bone or some type of mineral deposit. She didn't say anything at first, I knew she wasn't supposed to, but then she said yes. There were 5 or 6 that I could see. They moved fairly easily and the lining of my gall bladder was not thickened or inflamed, which is good. I am waiting on my dr. to call now and see what he says. While I don't want to have surgery, I also don't want it to become an emergency. If I can have it removed on my time, I can get things lined up for who is going to take care of Jagger. I talked to my mom last night and she said she could come up and help me. We will see what the dr. says, hopefully today.

Can you believe my little man is going to be 6 months old tomorrow? I sure can't. It seems like I blinked and he grew into a little boy! I am trying to decide what type of cake he should have to celebrate! Of course, he will not be getting any, but mommy and daddy will enjoy it :)

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