Thursday, December 30, 2010
I have decided to get back on the blogging train, but with some changes! I am going to start posting projects that me and Jagger are working on. This includes sewing, card making, scrapbook layouts, baking, cooking, kids crafts, and much more. So stay tuned, it will debut soon!
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
Back to blogging
I took a blogging hiatus, but I suppose I am back!
Everyone is doing well in this house and Jagger never stops amazing me and Aaron! His vocabulary is growing, which is so fun! He is running around everywhere. He literally never stops, except to sleep. He had a 18-month well check on the 9th weighing in at a whopping 23# 4oz. and he is 31.25 inches tall. We had to fill out a skills test and he was above the "normal" ranges in all of those!
My mom has been up 2 different times this summer and we have throughly enjoyed having her up here, especially Jagger!
Our garden went above and beyond what we ever expected it to. I have canned so many tomatoes that I don't think we will have to buy any this winter! We had lots of sun sugar cherry tomatoes also that make a great sun-dried tomato. Lots of cucumbers that I made bread and butter pickles as well as dill pickles. We had fresh broccoli and cabbage which you just can't beat fresh from the garden.
I have started picking up some new business with Sugar Overload, cakes! It has been so much fun to make them and I feel I get a little bit better every time I make another one! This past weekend I made sunflower cupcakes for a neighbors party and they were so cute!
I am cruising along in my medical transcription program. I am hoping to get done by early spring, but for sure by June. Then I want to get Jagger in a part-time preschool, preferably a Montessori school.
Monday, July 5, 2010
Changing sites
I can't get blogger to work like I want it to, so I am changing blog hosting sites. I am not just going to post it because I got some spam comments not too long ago. So, if you want the link, post a comment below or email me if you have my email and I will send you that way! Lots of new and exciting things will be happening at the new blog. Recipes, crafts, coupons, photo editing, creating graphics, and of course Jagger!
Hope to see you there :)
Monday, June 28, 2010
What's for Dinner
What is on your menu this week?
We are having:
M: Chicken Fajitas with spanish rice
T: Ceasar Salad with Chicken
W: Pesto Cavatappi (My first attempt at recreating a recipe from a resturant :/
R: No clue
F: Hamburgers~ We are having guest, and who doesn't love a good hamburger! Then it will be off to the firework show!
Thursday, June 24, 2010

Mama, Daddy, fish, shoe, nose, no while shaking his head, shorts, shirt, "nana" for banana, and I know there are more, I have just gone blank.
He loves to talk to his meme and give her kisses! We can't wait for her to come up and spend lots of time with us!
I m also happy to report that I have successfully weaned off of zoloft, my anti-depressant/anxiety! I am so happy! I feel amazing! One side affect, I have become somewhat OCD about keeping the house clean and organizing! Not a bad thing right?
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
Make Over
As you can see, we are getting a make over! It is still a work in progress, but I couldn't resist the cuteness!
Stay tuned for other ideas too, like crafts! See what Jagger and I did yesterday?
Friday, June 4, 2010
Lack of posting
As you have noticed, I haven't been posting much. There are several reasons: !. It is summer time and we live outside! 2. We have been busy. 3. I started back to school 4. I like to think that I use this more as a journal, or Jagger's baby book, since I haven't actually written in his in over a year. I don't really think of this as a way for people to see what he is doing instead of calling or emailing. So, I quit posting, and nothing has changed.
With that being said, I would like to keep up with what he has been doing, because I know my memory will fail me!
Jagger now walks every where and is pretty good at it! He chases Emma when she has a toy and just laughs. He is seriously the sweetest kid I have ever seen. He always wants to hug and get/give kisses. He is protective over his food, don't mess with him, unless he wants you to. As far as words, he doesn't say many words, but he barks, meows, howls, says "hey", "mama", "daddy", and some others that I can't think of right now.
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
Jagger is walking! He finally decided he was ready to take off on Saturday. He is still unsure of it at times and finds crawling to be a faster mode of transportation, but he is walking more and more everyday! We went to the vanilla bean yesterday to pick up some supplies for a cake I am making this weekend and he was walking all over the place grabbing as much stuff as he could fit in those little hands! I am excited to see how he does at Little Gym tomorrow, since that is where he really figured out that he might be ok with it. Of course he was going after the balls when he walked about 3 foot twice. I will get video and then go buy a cord and post it soon. I also have some video of Hawaii.
I am also happy to announce that I will be going back to school for medical transcription! I just have to pay for it and I will start! I think this will be a good opportunity for me and to bring in more income so we can go to Hawaii more :)
We also got a new car last Friday! We got a 2011 Toyota Camry fully loaded. It has a back up camera, which is pretty handy, but the best feature for a mom with a baby on her hip is the key less entry and push button start. This is truly key less entry and you don't even have to dig around in your purse to find the key less entry remote, you just get close enough to the door and it will unlock. Same with the push button start, have the transmitter in your purse or pocket and just push a button to start the engine, fabulous!
I am also happy to announce that I will be going back to school for medical transcription! I just have to pay for it and I will start! I think this will be a good opportunity for me and to bring in more income so we can go to Hawaii more :)
We also got a new car last Friday! We got a 2011 Toyota Camry fully loaded. It has a back up camera, which is pretty handy, but the best feature for a mom with a baby on her hip is the key less entry and push button start. This is truly key less entry and you don't even have to dig around in your purse to find the key less entry remote, you just get close enough to the door and it will unlock. Same with the push button start, have the transmitter in your purse or pocket and just push a button to start the engine, fabulous!
Sunday, April 25, 2010
Shall I even say it........
we are paci free! Jagger has been hiding them and we can't find them, so I decided to just put him down for a nap without it last Saturday, no fussing, success! Then came night time, same thing. I knew it had to be a fluke, there was no way it was going to be this easy. I had to give it to him 2 days for his nap, but otherwise, nothing. He has not had it all all since Thursday. I didn't know it would be this easy! Yay!
I am also considering going back to school for medical transcription. I would still be able to stay at home with Jagger, but help fund my spending habit :)
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
Another Post
Man, I am on a roll this week!
I gave Jagger his first popsicle and he wasn't sure what to do with it, so he let Emma have a few licks! (He never did eat it)
Backyard Progress
The backyard has all been tilled up and Jagger's area has been sodded (is that a word?). Here is a picture of the general idea that we have going on.
And, here are some pictures of Jagger helping himself to the kix!
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
Walgreen's Deals this week
Once again, I have been hoarding, as Aaron calls it!

Here is how it worked!
I started out with $3 in RR from my shaving cream stash!
Bayer Aspirin (32 Count)
$2.99 each x 5 = 14.95
$1.50/1 Q from here x 5 = 7.50 ( You can print 2 from each computer)
$3 in RR for buying 2 32 ct. bayer products
Total Price= $4.45
Bayer Healthy Heart (40 Count)
Regular Price $6. 60 x 3 = 19.80
Clearance Price $3.29 x 3 = 9.87 ( I only found these in one store)
Wags Q $3 off = -$9.00
Total Price= 87¢
Dawn Dish Soap
Regular Price $1.99
Wags Q 99¢
50¢ Q in PG insert on 4/4
Total Price = 49¢
Scotch Brite Sponges (3 pack)
Regular Price $3.99 x 4 = 15.96
Wags Q B1G1 -$7.98
Q from here $1/1 x4 -$4
Total Price= $3.98
Vitamin D (120 count)
Regular Price $9.49 x 4 = $37.96
Sale Price $5 x 4 = $20.00
Q $5/1 x 4 = -$20.00
$5 in RR on each bottle x 4 = -$20.00
Total Price = +$20.00, That is right you get $20.00(it is in RR for your next purchase)!
Total Regular Price = $90.66
Total after q's, RR's, and sale prices = $13.21 MM
To get all of these savings, you have to make several different transactions. When getting RR, each item has to be in a separate transaction, like each bottle of vitamins has to be a separate transaction.
For the vitamins you have to sign up for an account here and enter these codes:
099 -18576402
51135 -18576402
27602 -18576402
17139 -18576402
2386 -18576402
2532 -18576402
51135 -18576402
27602 -18576402
17139 -18576402
2386 -18576402
2532 -18576402
Then print the $5/1 q 4 times, you just hit the backspace to print it 4 times.
Happy Shopping :)
Sunday, April 18, 2010
Spring Time
It is spring time here in Wisconsin and the flowers are popping up!

The raspberries are starting to come back out. I can't wait to make more raspberry jam, it is by far the best I have ever eaten!
Aaron has tilled up half of the garden site. I have potatoes, onions, spinach, leaf lettuce, rosemary, and chives planted.
Aaron started tilling up the backyard yesterday. We are going for a look similar to this. Lots of work ahead of us!
We have been doing alot of outside playing!
Plants are popping up, saying "Thank you for the warm weather and beautiful sunshine!"
Hosta's we planted last year
Peonies from the previous resident
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
Planting a garden
We are planting a garden this year, a big one! I have already planted potatoes, onions, spinach, and leaf lettuce. We got Jagger's garden started in the house yesterday and will transplant when they get big enough.
Monday, April 12, 2010
Such a big boy
Jagger is growing up way too fast on us. He now can feed himself, including spooning out how much he needs. He is also getting closer to walking! I got him to take 3 or 4 steps at the park on Friday.
And....I can't believe this, I lost the diamond in my engagement ring, the big one :0 It totally sucks.
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
Walgreen's Deals this week
A few of the Walgreen's deals I took advantage of this week were:
Tide Laundry Detergent for $5.99,
$1/1 PG in this week's paper and in the 3/7 booklet
Dawn Dish Liquid $.99 coupon in the walgreen's flyer
$.50/1 In the PG in this weeks paper
Downy Fabric Softener for $3.99
$1/1 in this weeks PG booklet
Kraft Shells and Cheese Cups $1 each
B1G1 from here
You also get $1.50 back in RR when you buy 4
Long over due update

I know it has been FOREVER since I have updated, you will have to excuse the dust that has collected.
Two weeks ago we had to make an unexpected trip back to Tennessee. My mom was admitted to the hospital because of heart problems. She has had some heart attacks, but she is not sure when they occurred. Her heart is very weak now. I will not give any details, as she is a private person, but she could definitely use thoughts and prayers. She is doing fine now, but can only work part time and will probably have to quit work soon. I am trying to talk her into moving up here with us so that I can help her out.
Jagger sure had a good time being with his meme! He got to sleep with her 3 or 4 nights, so now he doesn't want to sleep in his bed! He could also talk her into carrying him around everywhere.
Monday, March 22, 2010
Thursday, March 18, 2010
Coupon Shopping
Aaron says that I am becoming a hoarder, but I disagree! It is all such a steal, but I have quit buying things unless they are absolutely free or a money maker. Like this:
Gillette Clinical Strength Deodorant $1.79 each x 3 = $5.37
Gillette Body Wash $3.54
Colgate Toothpaste $3.99
Gillette $2 off 1 clinical strength deodorant -$2
Gillette $4 off 2 deodorants or body washes -$4
Gillette Buy one deodorant get a body wash free -$3.54
Colgate $1 off any sensitive toothpaste -$1
Toothpaste $4 back in RR at Walgreens -$4
$12.90-$14.54= $1.64
That is right people, I had a money maker of $1.64!
P.S. Do you ever watch that show about hoarding? It is totally disgusting how people can live like that.
Would you like to see more scenarios like this? I am happy to put them up as I find them.
Saturday, March 13, 2010
Friday, March 12, 2010
Bath Time!
Jagger will now climb in the bath tub or shower with you! I was showering and letting him play in our room, like always, when next thing I know he is trying to climb in the shower with me! He couldn't get in just from the floor, so he opened a drawer on the vanity, got in it and then proceeded to get in the shower with me. I stripped him and put him in, he loved it! He is so silly, but such a sweet heart!
Monday, March 1, 2010
Thursday, February 25, 2010
Ready for Spring
I am so ready for Spring to get here so that we can get out of the house and enjoy the fresh air and warm weather! While this hasn't been a bad winter, it seems like it is never going to end. Going to Little Gym is something I look forward to each week and I think Jagger is beginning to remember what it is and gets excited too! He has SO much fun there! I will go off and climb on the structures or check out what the other kids are doing. It warms my heart that he loves it so much! He is becoming quite the little man these days. He learns so much everyday. He is our pride and joy, that is for sure!
Aaron and I are planning a vacation and I think we have decided to go to Tahiti or South Africa, super exciting! I can't wait to travel the world with Jagger. I want him to have more culture than Aaron or I have/had. I think we see things differently now that we have moved to a different part of the country, but you also have to experience other parts of the world.
Coupon shopping. If you haven't already signed up for the grocery game, go do it now! I have gotten so much stuff for free or dirt cheap. I think we have 8 bottles of free body wash now! (And I am on the hunt for more from a tip in a blog I read!) I never thought I would be a coupon shopper, but like Aaron says, it is my treasure hunt! Go here now and sign up! Don't forget to let them know that I referred you. email is jamienjackson[at]
Thursday, February 18, 2010
This song is my new favorite song and makes me think of Jagger. He definitely makes me smile :)
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
When I was changing Jagger's dirty diaper this morning, I was saying shoo, shoo when all of the sudden he started repeating me! He thought it was hilarious! This boy changes so much on a daily basis.
Monday, February 15, 2010
The Grocery Game
I don't know if any of you have seen this, but you should definitely try it! You go to and sign up, there is a minimal charge after 4 weeks. I have always wanted to shop with coupons but never wanted to go through the sale papers to try and figure out when to use what coupon where, so this does it for you! You clip your coupons from the Sunday paper and then follow the list. Last week, I got 4 big bottles of body wash FREE, shaving cream for .99, and so much more for cheap. I will be going to Walgreens today and will spend probably $15 on what would normally have cost me over $115!
So, if you do decide to sign up, I would appreciate it if you would give me credit so that I can get some free weeks. Just use my email:
Thursday, February 11, 2010
Little Gym
Jagger started Little Gym classes today. He was not very sure about the whole situation at first, but by the end, he was starting to explore more. I think after a few weeks, he will really enjoy it.
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
1 year well baby

Jagger had his one year well baby check up today. He weighs 18 lbs. 8 ozs. (2.75th percentile), 28 1/2 inches long/tall (13th), and a big head at 75th percentile :0 He got 4 vaccines, wich he did pretty good for and then blood drawn to check his iron level, which he did even better for. The dr. also showed me that his 2 top molars have poked there heads out. She thinks he probably had a virus, which caused the fever. Otherwise, a healthy little boy!
Monday, February 8, 2010
Birthday Party Pictures
Happy Birthday Jagger!
I can't believe it has been a year already, but what an amazingly wonderful year it has been. He has brought such joy to mine and Aaron's life. I love him more than words will ever explain!
Happy 1st Birthday Jagger!
Thursday, February 4, 2010
It seems it has been a while since I have updated, so I thought I would. We have been painting all of our upstairs, so we have been extremely busy! And, Jagger's first birthday is on Monday, which means his party is on Sunday!
Jagger is doing good, still not walking and has no interest. Well, actually, I was changing his sheets and he let go of the crib while watching me so, maybe soon? He is still into everything. He loves to put things in holes and to stack blocks. He also will give me or Aaron something he has to see what we do with it and then take it back. While we have been painting, he will will pick something up that is in the floor and then act like he is painting. He also had to help daddy lay the hardwood in our room by beating on the floor with a screw driver! He is such a little smarty!
I gave him his first real haircut on Saturday, just a little trim on the mullet!
I guess that is about it, I will post pictures of all the rooms we have been painting and his party when I can.
Thursday, January 28, 2010
Boo boo's and kisses
Jagger fell down the small set of steps this morning. He must have bit his lip because he had blood coming out of his mouth, but he never would let me look really good. He didn't have any loose teeth, thank goodness, and no bumps or bruises. He was ready to climb the steps again within a few minutes.
We went to see my friend Jody and her twins today, can you believe they are 6 months old already! Jagger loved seeing others his size! Jagger and Jackson played with some toys together and Jagger gave Madelyn kisses :0 Yes, he gave his first kiss away! Then he was trying to hug her while she was sleeping in her bouncy chair. He is such a little lover!
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
Check out my giveaway over at the Sugar Overload blog!
Monday, January 25, 2010
Sugar Overload
If you haven't already, become a fan of Sugar Overload on Facebook to keep up with all of the current specials and what is baking!
I am now offering a gluten free option. Also, get your Valentine orders in. I am only taking a few since I have Jagger's party to prepare for also. My baby will be a toddler in 2 weeks.
Sunday, January 24, 2010
Jagger says Emma! I have been wondering if when he says "ma ma" if he is talking to me or Emma for a while, but today he looked right at Emma and said her name! I don't know how I will ever part these 2, they love each other! Jagger also calls out "mama" when he is looking for me or wants something. Aaron and I guessed before Jagger was even born that he would say Emma pretty quick!
We took the wieners to the vet yesterday morning and all checked up well with them. Jagger was a very good boy also. The vet took notice in how all 3 of them kept a close eye on Jagger and watched his every move.
On Friday, Jagger decided that he would move his cozy coupe car over to Aaron's chair, crawl in the car, and then proceed to crawl on the chair. The boy is going to be a stuntman when he grows up!
Friday, January 22, 2010
"All babies are cute but...
he is beyond cute. He should be a baby model!" This is what the lady at Walgreens told be yesterday when I went to pick up a prescription. She just kept going on and on about how cute Jagger was. Made my day, not that I didn't already know he was cute!
I don't want to speak too soon, but for the past 3 nights, Jagger has slept from 6:30p to 6:30-7a, straight. It is nice! The only problem is that he doesn't want to take any naps during the day. I try everything and he will not take a nap. It makes for VERY long days with a cranky baby. Aaron doesn't like it either because he is cranky when he gets home and then goes to bed. Hopefully it will pass soon.
Monday, January 18, 2010
Getting so big
Jagger is growing up on us :( I know, that is what they do, but my baby will soon be a toddler! Every stage seems to be so much fun and I think it can't get any better, but it does. It seems like he learns something new everyday. Yesterday, he learned how to climb the stairs, all of them! It scares Aaron and my mom isn't too happy about it, but he needs to learn sometime and I watch him.
He absolutely LOVES the dogs. He hugs them, tries to give them kisses and plays with Emma all the time. Emma likes having a play mate, most of the time. I am amazed at how well Jagger does with them. He never pulls their ears or tail. We started teaching him early how to rub them, so maybe that has helped.

Jagger is up to around 18 lbs. by our scale, but the little stinker eats like he should be 28 lbs.! I am now giving him more whole milk, which he likes.
We went to look for bald eagles about 1 hour north of us yesterday and to our amazement, we saw over 15! I have never seen so many at one time. They were flying around and sitting in trees. We even had one that was in a tree probably 20 feet away, it was just amazing. I can't wait until Jagger can see them and know what he is looking at. Aaron has decided that he is going to buy some land on the WI River to build a cabin on! It would be pretty amazing to sit at the breakfast table and watch the bald eagles soar!
Jagger's birthday party is in less than 4 weeks, so I am trying to get things together for it. We are going to have a few friends over for it. Here is his invitation, for those that didn't get one in the mail. I did put them on a piece of dark silver card stock and added some snowflakes. They turned out pretty cute!

Tuesday, January 12, 2010
I took Jagger out for a sled ride today because it is a steamy 24 and I wanted to salt the sidewalk. He started playing in the snow with his mitten! It was like he was trying to figure out what that stuff was! He is such a curious little boy!
Wednesday, January 6, 2010
Happy New Year!
I know, only a few days late! I hope everyone has had a great start to their new year!
We rung in the new year nice and comfy in bed! We were awake, but then right back to sleep! We continued with the traditional eating of cabbage, black eyed peas, and pork in hopes of continuing to make the years perfect! After all, 2009 was just an amazing year! We have a beautiful baby boy, our own house, and are just enjoying life to the max!
We took Jagger to urgent care on Saturday because he had these horrible looking blisters on his penis. He did not seem to be in any pain. The dr. said it was secondary to the roseola or fifth's disease he had the previous week. I think he had fifth's disease instead of roseola now. He has really rosie cheeks and a rash on his chin that is very typical of fifth's disease. He is on an antibiotic and an ointment for the rash/blisters. His penis now looks back to normal.
He has been SO fussy and clingy the past few days that I have threatened to go back to work! I am hoping it is just a phase and will pass soon. He does seem to have some reflux issues again, but I don't think that is what it is.
I have started giving him whole milk every once in a while. He seems to be getting used to it, but isn't so sure about it still!
Sunday, January 3, 2010
Sugar Overload
I now have a website, not just a blog! I am still working on it, but I think it is looking pretty good, so go check it out!
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