He absolutely LOVES the dogs. He hugs them, tries to give them kisses and plays with Emma all the time. Emma likes having a play mate, most of the time. I am amazed at how well Jagger does with them. He never pulls their ears or tail. We started teaching him early how to rub them, so maybe that has helped.

Jagger is up to around 18 lbs. by our scale, but the little stinker eats like he should be 28 lbs.! I am now giving him more whole milk, which he likes.
We went to look for bald eagles about 1 hour north of us yesterday and to our amazement, we saw over 15! I have never seen so many at one time. They were flying around and sitting in trees. We even had one that was in a tree probably 20 feet away, it was just amazing. I can't wait until Jagger can see them and know what he is looking at. Aaron has decided that he is going to buy some land on the WI River to build a cabin on! It would be pretty amazing to sit at the breakfast table and watch the bald eagles soar!
Jagger's birthday party is in less than 4 weeks, so I am trying to get things together for it. We are going to have a few friends over for it. Here is his invitation, for those that didn't get one in the mail. I did put them on a piece of dark silver card stock and added some snowflakes. They turned out pretty cute!

1 comment:
We receive our card. We loved it! Jagger learning all this new stuff is kind of scary but also fun and amazing. It is good to know he's already tackling things that will be part of his life. I imagine he sees his accomplishments and I hope he is as proud of himself as we are of him. We love you all. Gran & Paw
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