We went to see my friend Jody and her twins today, can you believe they are 6 months old already! Jagger loved seeing others his size! Jagger and Jackson played with some toys together and Jagger gave Madelyn kisses :0 Yes, he gave his first kiss away! Then he was trying to hug her while she was sleeping in her bouncy chair. He is such a little lover!
Thursday, January 28, 2010
Boo boo's and kisses
Jagger fell down the small set of steps this morning. He must have bit his lip because he had blood coming out of his mouth, but he never would let me look really good. He didn't have any loose teeth, thank goodness, and no bumps or bruises. He was ready to climb the steps again within a few minutes.
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
Check out my giveaway over at the Sugar Overload blog!
Monday, January 25, 2010
Sugar Overload
If you haven't already, become a fan of Sugar Overload on Facebook to keep up with all of the current specials and what is baking!
I am now offering a gluten free option. Also, get your Valentine orders in. I am only taking a few since I have Jagger's party to prepare for also. My baby will be a toddler in 2 weeks.
Sunday, January 24, 2010
Jagger says Emma! I have been wondering if when he says "ma ma" if he is talking to me or Emma for a while, but today he looked right at Emma and said her name! I don't know how I will ever part these 2, they love each other! Jagger also calls out "mama" when he is looking for me or wants something. Aaron and I guessed before Jagger was even born that he would say Emma pretty quick!
We took the wieners to the vet yesterday morning and all checked up well with them. Jagger was a very good boy also. The vet took notice in how all 3 of them kept a close eye on Jagger and watched his every move.
On Friday, Jagger decided that he would move his cozy coupe car over to Aaron's chair, crawl in the car, and then proceed to crawl on the chair. The boy is going to be a stuntman when he grows up!
Friday, January 22, 2010
"All babies are cute but...
he is beyond cute. He should be a baby model!" This is what the lady at Walgreens told be yesterday when I went to pick up a prescription. She just kept going on and on about how cute Jagger was. Made my day, not that I didn't already know he was cute!
I don't want to speak too soon, but for the past 3 nights, Jagger has slept from 6:30p to 6:30-7a, straight. It is nice! The only problem is that he doesn't want to take any naps during the day. I try everything and he will not take a nap. It makes for VERY long days with a cranky baby. Aaron doesn't like it either because he is cranky when he gets home and then goes to bed. Hopefully it will pass soon.
Monday, January 18, 2010
Getting so big
Jagger is growing up on us :( I know, that is what they do, but my baby will soon be a toddler! Every stage seems to be so much fun and I think it can't get any better, but it does. It seems like he learns something new everyday. Yesterday, he learned how to climb the stairs, all of them! It scares Aaron and my mom isn't too happy about it, but he needs to learn sometime and I watch him.
He absolutely LOVES the dogs. He hugs them, tries to give them kisses and plays with Emma all the time. Emma likes having a play mate, most of the time. I am amazed at how well Jagger does with them. He never pulls their ears or tail. We started teaching him early how to rub them, so maybe that has helped.

Jagger is up to around 18 lbs. by our scale, but the little stinker eats like he should be 28 lbs.! I am now giving him more whole milk, which he likes.
We went to look for bald eagles about 1 hour north of us yesterday and to our amazement, we saw over 15! I have never seen so many at one time. They were flying around and sitting in trees. We even had one that was in a tree probably 20 feet away, it was just amazing. I can't wait until Jagger can see them and know what he is looking at. Aaron has decided that he is going to buy some land on the WI River to build a cabin on! It would be pretty amazing to sit at the breakfast table and watch the bald eagles soar!
Jagger's birthday party is in less than 4 weeks, so I am trying to get things together for it. We are going to have a few friends over for it. Here is his invitation, for those that didn't get one in the mail. I did put them on a piece of dark silver card stock and added some snowflakes. They turned out pretty cute!

Tuesday, January 12, 2010
I took Jagger out for a sled ride today because it is a steamy 24 and I wanted to salt the sidewalk. He started playing in the snow with his mitten! It was like he was trying to figure out what that stuff was! He is such a curious little boy!
Wednesday, January 6, 2010
Happy New Year!
I know, only a few days late! I hope everyone has had a great start to their new year!
We rung in the new year nice and comfy in bed! We were awake, but then right back to sleep! We continued with the traditional eating of cabbage, black eyed peas, and pork in hopes of continuing to make the years perfect! After all, 2009 was just an amazing year! We have a beautiful baby boy, our own house, and are just enjoying life to the max!
We took Jagger to urgent care on Saturday because he had these horrible looking blisters on his penis. He did not seem to be in any pain. The dr. said it was secondary to the roseola or fifth's disease he had the previous week. I think he had fifth's disease instead of roseola now. He has really rosie cheeks and a rash on his chin that is very typical of fifth's disease. He is on an antibiotic and an ointment for the rash/blisters. His penis now looks back to normal.
He has been SO fussy and clingy the past few days that I have threatened to go back to work! I am hoping it is just a phase and will pass soon. He does seem to have some reflux issues again, but I don't think that is what it is.
I have started giving him whole milk every once in a while. He seems to be getting used to it, but isn't so sure about it still!
Sunday, January 3, 2010
Sugar Overload
I now have a website, not just a blog! I am still working on it, but I think it is looking pretty good, so go check it out!
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