Friday, November 21, 2008


My appointment today was short and sweet! I gained 5 lbs., not to bad. My blood pressure was down to 124/70, which I am very happy about! His heartbeat was 130-140 and, of course, he was kicking the dr.! She also felt his butt up high on my left side. I have been feeling it for a while, but I didn't know if it was his butt or head. I measured 30 weeks, which is just a few days ahead, but she said that was good. I now start my every other week appointments. I think that is about it!

I wanted to add that I think the pregnancy hormones are getting the best of me now. I feel like I have not been moody at all, until now. The stupidest stuff makes me mad or cry. I feel like I should be in control of everything that has to do with the baby and if I am not or I can't do anything about it, it upsets me. I have told Aaron some of the stuff that has bothered me and I can tell he is just laughing at me thinking that I am blowing everything up into something it's not. The joys of being pregnant! Poor Aaron!

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