Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Indigestion sucks...

Why am I up at 2:20 am and have been for over an hour? Because I have stupid indigestion. I did not eat anything that I would have thought set it off last night, but apparently I did. Zantac is not working and I know if I eat some tums, I will be running to the bathroom next. So I guess I just sit here and hope it goes away while Henry is just sleeping away.

About this little boy growing in my belly.....
I have not felt him NEAR as much as I am used to, so I called my dr. yesterday to see what they say and they told me as long as I feel him, he is ok. I did feel him more last night, but still not like I am used to. Maybe he is just running out of room, who knows?
Sunday morning, Aaron and I were laying in bed next to each other and Henry got to kicking like crazy! I don't now what he was trying to tell his daddy, but he was kicking hard and fast. The little stinker!

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