Sunday, October 12, 2008


It has been a while since I have updated everyone. I have had alot going on, so this may get long!

I was in Tennessee the week of the Sept. 29th because my grandfather passed away. It has been very hard for me because he was like my father growing up since my dad passed away before I was 1. He was one of the strongest men I have ever known. I wish I could have seen him one last time, but I am glad that he is no longer suffering. He had been doing pretty good, he beat cancer and never told you he was feeling bad. He was more frustrated that he couldn't do the things he used to be able to, but he always said he was going back to work, yes even at 76! I will miss him and wish that he was here to meet Henry, but he was about to have to live a life that I would wish upon no one. He knew that Henry was on his way and that his name was going to be Henry, so that is what we have decided to stick with as the baby's name. We still have not decided on his middle name, but we have names we like.

We had a shower last Sunday. We got ALOT of things for the baby, which I am very grateful for! We were going through every thing today putting it away, and this little boy is already SO spoiled! He has enough clothes for the first year of his life, plus some. I will have to change his clothes several times a day just so he can wear all of it! I think he has more clothes than me and Aaron combined! Aaron said we are no longer allowed to buy any clothes! We also don't need anymore blankets or socks. We have like 50 pair of socks. The only big thing we are still wanting is a swing, but we have enough in gift cards to buy one. We bought the travel system today. The car seat is the top ranked for safety. The last thing we need are diapers. We don't have any, since we are using cloth. Everyone back home thinks I am crazy for using cloth diapers, but they don't know how far they have come. Also, I don't want the diapers in the land field for years and years or my little boys bottom to be exposed to all of those chemicals.

I think that is it for now. My next appt. is on the 24th and I have my glucose test that day. My belly is growing, ALOT! I think that is the only place I have gained weight, so far. He kicks and punches ALL the time.

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