Wednesday, December 31, 2008

35w2d appointment

Everything went well at the appointment. I had the GBS test, which was nothing really. Hopefully it will be negative and I will not have to be on antibiotics when I give birth to Henry. She checked to see if I was dilated, and I am about 1 cm dilated. She said he is about 5 pounds right now and will gain a 1/2 pound a week until he is born, so at full term he would be 7 to 7 1/2 pounds. My uterus measured 35 1/2 weeks. My blood presure was higher, 133/77, but it did not seem to be a concern. I gained 2 pounds, so 1 really?! I guess that is about it. Hopefully I well keep progressing and have my little boy here soon! I had contractions last night too, so me and all 3 wieners slept on the sofa for half the night!

We are not planning to do anything tonight, jut stay in and hope we make it until 12! I hope everyone has a happy and safe new year!

Monday, December 29, 2008

35 weeks, 35 days

Only 35 days left! I could definitely tell that Henry has dropped today, going back to work. My hips hurt so bad, along with other unmentionable areas ;) My back is also hurting more. I really feel like I am going to have him early. I don't know if it is wishful thinking now that I am more uncomfortable or what. Henry's bag is packed and ready to go. I have his cloth diapers almost done washing. I am having to wash the liners 3 times and the diapers 2 times. I also have everything washed of his that needs to be washed. Aaron and I still need to pack our bag. I will let everyone know how the appointment goes on Wednesday.

P.S. Don't forget to send me your email address if you want be able to read about my little prince when he arrives. I am also trying to get an email list together for when he is born to let everyone know, so if you want to be on that, let me know.

Friday, December 26, 2008

It is getting closer..

It is getting so close to finally getting to meet my baby! Aaron and I can't wait! This baby is going to be so spoiled, and I can't wait to spoil him! I am beginning to think that Aaron will not be the one that is going to be super protective of him, I think it will be me. I know Aaron will be protective of him, he has already said that he is not going to be passed around when we go back to TN, and I agree. I also am wanting to make it as stress free for the 3 wieners. We plan to have Aaron bring home one of the blankets he has been wrapped up in from the hospital before we all come home and Aaron is going to come home and let them out and give them loving. If my mom makes it in time, she will be staying the night with them. She is also going to leave Maddie (her dog) with my grandmother. I think this will help the babies with stress also. I almost have Henry's hospital bag packed, I just have to get some eco-friendly disposable diapers from Babies R Us. I have not even started on mine and Aaron's! We will be installing his carseat within the next few days.

On Monday night, I had a really bad night. I maybe got 2 hours of sleep. I am pretty sure I was having real contractions and thought I was going to have to get Aaron to take me to the hospital. They felt like really bad period cramps and they would not go away. Finally after 30 or so minutes of laying on my side they got better. I was also vomiting. I have slept good the past few nights. I have an appointment on Wednesday and I wonder if she will check to see if I have any progress. I am also expecting to have the strep-B test, ugh. I don't know why, but I have this feeling he will be coming early. He will probably be 2 weeks late! If you go off of my mom's pregnancies, I will be early though. I was just 2 days early, but my brother was 4 weeks early. I guess only he knows when he is done cooking!

Christmas was yesterday. I called my grandmother and she got upset, so then that made me upset. I wish I could have been with my family for Christmas. This year, Christmas just did not seem like Christmas. I am looking forward to next year being Henry's first. I am sure he will not care about any of it, maybe the box that a gift comes in, but I can't wait to be Mrs. Claus :) Hopefully, we will not go overboard, yeah right!

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

So excited

We got our diapers! We have 12, now we just need 12 more and I think we will be set! Now all we need is our little bundle of joy here!

I also found out today that 2 other girls at work are expecting!

33w2d appointment

So, I had my appointment today. I lost a pound, how does that happen?! My blood pressure was good, 112/68, measuring at 34 weeks, heartbeat was 130-140. He is also head down and had his butt sticking out for the dr.! She said that if I were to go in labor now that they would not stop it. That is kind of scary, he could come any day now!

Sleeping has become a thing of the past for the past few days. I can't ever get comfortable.

A baby pool was started at work today! The girl who is incharge of it said that when he did Dr. Heidi's, she made the deadline for 2-1 and that is when her baby was born. Her baby was not due until 2/21. The deadline for mine is 1/12 and there is a full moon on 1/11! My baby shower for work is on 1/10, I guess we shall see!

We got quite a bit of snow last night, not sure how much, and the streets are crappy because it is too cold to salt. We are supposed to get 8-12 inches starting tomorrow, ugh. So much for a green Christmas! That is not really what bothers me, it is the temperature. Sub-zero temperatures are not my friend.

Monday, December 15, 2008

49 days!

That is right, only 49 days, or less hopefully, until we get to meet this little boy! I am beyond ready, excited, eager, scared for the day to be here! I started washing his clothes and blankets today. I am only washing all of the blankets (3 loads!) and then very few clothes. I don't want to wash too many and then have to rewash them or they not even fit him. Or the chance that he might be she! We go for an appointment on Wednesday. I was having braxton hicks contractions last night. I was beginning to wonder if I should call the dr. because they were pretty frequent, but I have not had any today and he has been a busy boy. I was looking at the full moon calender for January and February. In January it is on the 11th and February it is on the 9th. January 11th would be fine with me, holy crap, that would be less than a month! I was looking at how many weeks I would be and it would be almost 37 weeks, which is term Sounds good to me! I will be serving an eviciton notice if he is not here by the 9th. Feb. 8th is the cut off, that would be my grandaddy's birthday. I guess we shall see!

I have been doing some holiday baking over the weekend and today, since I was off. I have made blueberry, lemon poppy seed, and banana nut muffins for when Aaron's family is here. I also made bacon quiche tarts for a breakfast food. I am trying to prepare ahead because I know how I fell now about having to stand and cook for long periods. I have baked sugar cookies, oreo truffles, turtles, and peppermint merignues. There are a few other things that I am hoping to get done within the next week. Oh, how did I forget the rolls that I just baked! They smell so yummy, and taste even better! Maybe I will have some to put in the freezer for next week!

Now, lets talk about this weather! It is FREEZING! This morning we woke up to sub-zero temperatures, -1, with a windchill of -15 to -20. All of the snow has about melted, but we are expected to get 3-6 inches tomorrow and then some more later in the week. So, it looks like we will have a white Christmas after all.

Thursday, December 11, 2008

The weiners

I don't know what is going on with them, but they have all been so clingy for the past week. They want to be as close to me as possible and if I don't let them, they worry the crap out of me. I wonder if they are sensing that a change is coming or maybe they want to protect their baby brother. I told them if they know I am about to have this baby, they better let me know a few days ahead so I am fully prepared :) I am afraid I might have a lap full when Henry does arrive, or at least surrounded!

Abby has started feeling better! We had a snow day on Tuesday and she was quite the playful one! I don't think I posted this in the last blog, but after we got home from taking her for a possible UTI, she urinated blood. She hasn't since and I am just to watch her. If it happens again, I will take her for x-ray's for a possible stone. I was really afraid she might have one, but so glad we didn't see one on ultrasound. Emma and Alex will be going in soon for their vaccines and a dental cleaning.

We finally got our Christmas tree, a real one! It is so pretty!

I am beginning to wonder if Henry ever sleeps. I don't feel the kick and punches anymore, but alot of rolling, knees, and elbows. Last night I woke up and think I was having a braxton hicks contraction. I didn't think they were supposed to hurt though. My stomach was cramping really bad and it was super hard. It only lasted for about a minute and then Henry started moving.

Less than 8 weeks to go!!!

Friday, December 5, 2008

31w4d appointment

We had our appointment today. Everything went well. My blood pressure is going down, it was down to 116/66. The baby's heart rate was in the 130's, and of course he was kicking her! I measured at 32 weeks, which is right on. I asked if we would get another ultrasound to see how big the baby is going to be, and they do not do them unless I start measuring way bigger or smaller. It looks like he is going to be an average size baby, which is 7 1/2 pounds. I just don't want to push a half grown kid out! That's about it.

I have been reading more about breastfeeding, because this is what I really want to do, and I really hope it works out. There are so many people that act like it is no problem and they had no problem with it, but from what I have read, alot of women have to be very committed and not give up. I am mentally prepared, at this point, to give it my all. I am expecting it to be work, but hoping that the baby will latch on easily. I just don't want people to tell me what I should be doing if it does not start well, that will only make matters worse.

This weekend, we are are doing some heavy duty cleaning getting ready for the baby. I am also going to decorate for Christmas and start on holiday baking and cooking. It is supposed to snow tonight, 1-3 inches, no big deal. It is FREEZING already. One day next week the high is 8 and the low is 0. Aaron's family better get ready for some cold weather like they have never felt before, come Christmas!

Also, we are starting Abby on 3 different medications to help with her disease. She has to take 2 of them 3 times a day and the other 2 times. Hopefully I will remember, especially after the baby is here. I am also going to get a diffuser that helps with stress for Christmas when we have guest and also when the baby arrives. Her nails looked worse when we went back to TN and I could tell she was very nervous at some times. I am mostly worried about when the baby arrives and there also being people here. Abby, Henry, and I may just have to stay locked in the bedroom to keep us all sane!

Wednesday, December 3, 2008


I just have to say that I love this baby more and more every day, I can't imagine what it will be like when I finally get to meet him.

I am also excited to see what a wonderful father Aaron will be. I know this baby could not have a better father, after all look at how spoiled the 3 weiners are!

Monday, December 1, 2008

Only 9 weeks to go!

We have made it to single digits in weeks to go! It will be 2 months from tomorrow that is Henry's due date. We are so ready, me for more reasons than to just meet him! I am starting to get more uncomfortable, but I think it is from sitting all the time while in TN. My back started hurting and it feels like my sternum is bruised. I have noticed that he has been up near or in my ribs more lately. My mom got to feel some of his hard punches. She also felt his little butt or head. When I took a bath this afternoon, I saw something large and round sticking up, it fit in my hand. It slowly moved and the punches/kicks began! I love feeling him move around and all of the kicks and punches, but when they are in my ribs or bladder, I don't.

We have 18 diapers on order! We got a fantastic deal on them! I can't wait to get them in, because then I can pack his diaper bag and have it ready for the hospital! I still need to buy some things to pack my bag, but I am not in a hurry for either one, or maybe I am! I would go ahead and install his carseat now, but I think that is pushing it!

We got money and gift cards at our shower and from other wonderful friends! We also got some clothes, receiving blankets, toys, and a bib. We bought a bath tub, boppy pillow, and bottles at babies r us and I bought a diaper bag at a children's boutique while in TN. I LOVE it! It was worth the wait! I got his name embroidered on the strap also! I will have to take a picture of it! They had some other adorable clothes in the store, but they were to pricey not knowing how big he will be and to be something he would only wear once or twice.

While we were in TN, Aaron told me that my stomach grew in one day and then my grandmother told me the same thing, but I weighed my self this afternoon and I did not gain a pound, maybe lost one. I am sure when I get on the scale Friday it will be a different story.