Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Poor little man

We are taking Jagger to the pedi this evening because for the past few days he has been spitting up alot. He has never been one to spit up much, but he has been spitting up after every feeding and it is several times that he does it between feedings. He has also been more fussy, so I am thinking it has to do with this. If it is reflux, I sure hope they give him something to take because I know how bad it feels. Poor darling. He has his appointment for his vaccines on Monday and I am SO not looking forward to that! I will probably cry more than him!

Here are some pictures we took this weekend.

My mom made the gown.

"What are these Tigers doing?"

Admiring his brother and sisters!

Big Boy! His gran and paw bought him the shirt.

Friday, March 27, 2009

They grow too fast.

I can't believe my little boy is almost 7 weeks old. I already miss him being a tiny little newborn and, gasp, I miss being pregnant. I miss feeling all of his little kicks and punches, his little butt being at the top of my stomach for me to rub, feeling his hiccups, and mostly having him all to myself! I know he is still young and little, but it makes me sad how fast time is going by. Don't get me wrong, I love watching him grow and learn something new everyday, they just grow WAY too fast.

I baked cupcakes and took them to the ladies at work and Jagger smile at them the whole time. I thought he was going to start talking to them, but he never did. He is such a sweetie!

When I get up for his 5 or 6 feeding I have gotten in the habit of just staying downstairs and laying on the couch with Jagger while he goes back to sleep, and of course I go back to sleep, I LOVE it. He is such a little snuggle bug. I tell myself that I really need to stop, but I know he will not be this little for long and I just can't help it!

Monday, March 23, 2009

Breastfeeding goals

I made goals for myself for breastfeeding from the beginning. My ultimate goal is to breast feed(bf) Jagger for a year, but I knew I needed short term goals so that I would not be disappointed if I was not able to bf him for that long. My first goal was 6 weeks, which was yesterday!! My next goal is 12 weeks and then 6 months. 6 months is what the American Academy of Pediatrics recommends that you at least bf for this long, but a year is ideal. It has gotten so much easier this past week that I am confident that I can bf him for a year, as long as he still wants to and there are no changes in my supply.

To go or not.....

that is the question. For what you may be wondering, work that is! I don't know what changed in me over the weekend, but I now feel very differently about going back to work. I don't want to. Until now, I have been looking forward to going back just 24 hours a week and being around adults! I love the people there and I love my job, but I don't want to leave my little man with anyone else, even though it would probably be good for him! I know how to distinguish his cries and know exactly what he wants, most of the time anyway, and I am afraid that no one else would give him all of the attention that he needs. He is not a needy baby, really, but he knows that if he lets out just the slightest little cry, mommy comes running! So I am just not sure what to do. Financially, it makes no difference if I go back to work, so that does not help me make my decision. Aaron and I talked about it last night. He told me to just stay home. Ugh, I hate making decisions! I am afraid whatever decision I make, I will regret. I know that once Jagger starts pre-school in 2 or 3 years that I will want to go back to work. We shall see!

I was talking to my mom over the weekend telling her that I didn't know what I was going to do when I do have to leave Jagger with someone, that I will probably cry for days, and she offered to keep him over memorial weekend so that Aaron and I could go somewhere by ourselves. I would definitely cry if I left him overnight! It was a very nice thing of her to offer, but I just don't think I would be ready by then. Heck, when I left Jagger with Aaron so that I could go to the St. Patty's party, it took me 45 minutes to decide I should leave. Hopefully it will get better soon! My Memaw told me that she was going to keep Jagger for a couple of weeks when we come back for Easter!! Aaron and I decided last night that his Memaw just needs to live closer so she could keep him when I go to work!

Aaron and I decided over the weekend that a rocking chair might me a good thing to have, especially at night, because when we get up to feed Jagger at night, we could just put him in his swing and he would go back to sleep. It would take a little longer thanwe would hope for sometimes because he prefers to be held, so that is when we decided a rocking chair would be good! We got an upholstered glider yesterday, and I think he likes it! Aaron never liked the regular gliders because of little fingers getting in it and I just don't like the way they look. We found this glider at Baby Depot for a really good price.

We weighed Jagger yesterday and he is up to 8 lbs. 13.5 ozs.! He is getting to be such a big boy :( I think we are going to have to retire his first peice of clothing very soon. I remember when it swallowed him and now he is getting too long for it, it is a sleeper. I am going to wash some more of the clothes that I know he will be able to wear soon, but I still am not washing all of them because I don't know what is going to fit or not. With us having true seasons, it is hard to know what will fit in the right season.

Friday, March 20, 2009

Happy little man!

When Jagger gets up in the morning, he is so happy and just smiles when I am talking to him! I finally got a picture of him smiling. It is not the greatest because it is from my phone. It is not one of his full smiles, but it still melts my heart! He is starting to get more and more of a personality.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Happy St. Patricks Day!

I know it is a day late, but we hope everyone had a good St. Patty's day! We did not a thing to celebrate! Here are a few pictures of Jagger in his green gear!!

Oh, look at how brown his hair is looking in these pictures. I could tell it was getting lighter, but it looks really light in these pictures!

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

It's a first!

Jagger finally took a bath and did not scream the whole way through it, instead he got mad when I took him out! I decided to fill his tub with water instead of just pouring water over him, it worked magic! Here are some pictures: will we ever say no to this face!

Jagger also got to meet his Gran and Paw for the first time this past weekend. They came up for the weekend from TN. We went and ate at Cheescake Factory, as always it was fabulous, went to the mall, and to a sausage place. It was a nice weekend!

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Cloth Diapers

We can finally start using our cloth diapers! They are still a tad too big, but he put them through a test last night! It was so much poop when I changed his diaper, it would have definitely been a blowout with the sposies! Here are some pictures!

Fluffy Buns!

Monday, March 9, 2009


Jagger smiled for the first time today! Well, his first real smile. He has been smiling in his sleep for a long time, but I don't count that. I was talking to him calling him handsome and telling him that I love him and he smiled several times in a row! I loved it!! I can't wait for him to start smiling more, it makes my heart melt!

He is also back to nursing. After having to give him a bottle, he got where he would not latch on and would get very frustrated, which made me frustrated. Today I decided I would try again, and he latched on like a pro!

Saturday, March 7, 2009


We finally found Jagger his first pair of jeans! We found them at Children's Place at the mall by our house. His daddy also had to get him a shirt that says "Chicks dig me" and a green polo onsie. Aaron weighed him when we got him this evening and he weighed a whopping 7 lbs. 15.5 ozs.! He still wears newborn clothes and they actually fit him really good. Some 0-3 fits well, but he has some growing to do, obviously if they are supposed to fit until he is 3 months!

Tonight we are going to see how it is going to work with him sleeping in his crib in his room. I put him in it this morning when I got up with him at 5 and he slept perfectly fine until it was time to eat again at 8. I slept really good, as did Aaron with him in his room. We have a video monitor so when he makes a noise, I can look to see if he really needs me or if he is just making his noises, it is great! The real problem is his daddy! He does not like him sleeping by himself, but if we don't break it now, we are in trouble soon.

I can't believe it has been a month tomorrow that my little man was forced to make his appearance! He would probably still be in my belly if it were up to him!

We have decided that we will be going back to TN for Easter. I am not sure what days exactly, but right now we are thinking the Thursday until Monday. There are lots of people who are very eager to meet this little guy! My grandmother has already asked me if she needs to come get him!

Thursday, March 5, 2009


Why do they not make cute little boy clothes? Everywhere I look they have very little to choose from and most of it is stuff I don't like anyway. Maybe this is a good thing so Aaron doesn't kill me for buying too many clothes! I am picky about what my little man can wear, so that makes it hard also. I don't like the graphic tees or cartoon stuff. I think it is ugly and tacky, just me. I am more of a simple is better kind of girl, myself. I have been wanting to get Jagger a pair of jeans, but can't find any anywhere. I finally found some at gap, but they cost $20, that is how much adult jeans cost! A new store that I have found, and I love there clothes is The Children's Place, and they are very reasonable. Jagger is still in newborn, so I don't want to buy anything for the summer not knowing what size he will be.

I can't believe that Jagger will be one month old on Sunday, it is crazy how time flies.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009


Jagger slept for 7 straight hours last night!! I forgot just how good it feels to get 6 straight hours of sleep, and I used to think 8 hours of sleep was too little! I feel so refreshed! Maybe he will keep this up, probably not!

Monday, March 2, 2009

Happy Birthday Aaron!

Yesterday was Aaron's birthday and Jagger's 3 week birthday! Happy Birthday my boys or should I say men! We didn't do anything, just hung out at home. Here are some new pictures! I am posting also pictures from when Jagger was born all the way to 3 weeks so you can see how much he has changed.

Fresh out of the oven!

1 week old
2 weeks

3 weeks

Just because :)