Wednesday, September 9, 2009

My baby is already 7 months old?

Seriously, where does time go? There is no way my sweet little baby boy should already be 7 months old. We had his 6 month appointment today. He weighs 16 lbs. (10th percentile), 26.5 inches long (29th percentile), and 44.5 cm for head (55th percentile). His check-up went well, she said he is still growing good. She was also amazed at how personable he is, which is surprising since he is with me most of the time and not around other people. She also said that they start looking for signs of autism at this age. He makes very good eye contact, so that is a good sign. He got 4 shots and one oral vaccine. He cried when they gave them to him, but was fine when I picked him up. She said his top 2 teeth will be in soon, which I knew they probably were. Overall, a good appointment.

We went back to TN last Monday and returned on this Monday. It was one of the best trips back to TN that we have had since moving up here. I really enjoyed getting to spend time with my grandmother and I know she thoroughly enjoyed us! We came home with more toys than we had, I am afraid of what Christmas is going to be like! We chose a guardian for Jagger if something were to happen to both Aaron and I and I am very happy with our choice and know that he will be in good hands. I sure hope it never comes to that, though.

Jagger is now sitting unassisted for periods of time. He is trying really hard to figure out crawling and I think it is really close. He kind of scoots around on his tummy right now. He loves to stand up. He thinks he is such a big boy! He is not a fan of jar baby food, but still loves his fresh food.

I will post pictures when I can.

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