Thursday, October 8, 2009


Well, Jagger is crawling! It is not your traditional crawl, it is more like an army crawl, but he can get from point a to point b. He also is zooming around in his walker more and more. I have video of him chasing Emma and he is just laughing! I will try to upload it soon.

Cousin Dylan has been here this week staying with us for his fall break. We went to the apple orchard and pumpkin patch on Sunday, it was so much fun! We went to the zoo yesterday and it was just a gorgeous day. Today we are going to attempt to go to the movies, not sure how that is going to work with Jagger, but we will see.

Can you believe that my baby boy is 8 months old today? I sure can't, where does time go? I suppose it is time to start planning the big 1st birthday party! I am still trying to come up with what to get him for Christmas. I am thinking of either something to ride on, like this, or a pottery barn anywhere chair. Then we will just do books.

I guess it is getting to be that time of year up here, it is cold! Next week there are only 1 or 2 days when the low is above freezing, one day it is even 26 :0 I am on the search for the perfect little coat for my man! You know he must be styling!

I have lots of pictures to upload, so I will as soon as I get time.

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