Thursday, March 31, 2011

Key Fob

Key fobs seem to be the new "it" key chain. They are very handy since you can slip them over your wrist while trying to juggle groceries, the kids, the dogs, etc. I honestly don't have a use for them because my car has push button start, which is FANTASTIC, but I still wanted to make some with scrap fabric that I have. The standard size is 10" diameter, which fits my wrist perfectly. I got 1 1/4" key fobs.

First, cut 1 piece of fabric 3" x 10" and 1 piece at 2" x 10".
*Note: The polka dot on mine is longer because I was trying to make a ruffle, but got mad and gave up :)
Fold your bottom layer in half, right sides facing and sew at 1/4".
Turn it right -side out and iron flat. I found that a bamboo skewer really helped on turing the fabric right-side out. I put my seam in the middle and then ironed it flat. This way you can sew your next layer right on top of the seam and no seam will be exposed.
Now, top-stich both sides.
Do the exact same thing, minus the top stitch for your next piece of fabric.

Now, pin your top layer in the center of the bottom layer and sew down the middle.
Trim up the top edges of any frayed fabric.

Fold your fabric in half and place in the key fob. I used a hammer to close mine, but I don't know that that is the recommended way, so don't take my word on it. It worked though! I placed it between a towel and gave it a few bangs to close it.
I then decided I wasn't going give up on making one with a ruffle for the top layer! I got out some pink ribbon and cut it at 15". I sewed straight down the middle with my loosest stitch. Then gathered. It worked this time!
Just pin it on and sew down the middle.

So, I now I have 2 key fobs. One for me and one for YOU! All you have to do is comment on this post. You can increase your chances of winning by: 1. Become a public follower of this blog. 2. "Like" me on facebook.
So that is 3 chances to win. You must comment 3 separate times. I will choose a winner with on Monday, April 4th!

Good Luck!



Brooke Rega said...

Comment! :)
Those fobs are FABULOUS! I must have one!

Brooke Rega said...

I'm publicly following your blog as well. I love how extremely talented you are! You inspire me. :)

Brooke Rega said...

I also "liked" your page on FB a while back. It's great! I wish you nothing but TONS of sales. :)

Unknown said...

Awesome Jamie :) I would love one!

Unknown said...

Ooohh super cute! Wish I could sew but I get frustrated and it turns out crooked! Love these though! =]

Amanda said...

Those are ADORABLE!

Amanda said...

I publicly follow your blog.

Amanda said...

I already "like" your facebook page. :)

Michelle said...

too cute!!!! thanks for showing me how to make them, but i cant sew & dont own a sewing machine! that is why i count on people like you

Anonymous said...

You're crazy talented!! I don't know where you get all the time from to do it all. Any tips for other people like me? :-)

Pak U Tube ( Admin) said...

Wow Its Great

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