Monday, November 17, 2008

$230 saved!

I bought a Britax convertible car seat for $43.00 last night! If you don't know anything about them, they are normally $280 and are the safest car seat there is. It will be for when Henry outgrows his infant car seat, but it can be used when he is small as well! This is the car seat we would have bought when it was time to go up to the next size with Henry, so we just saved $230.00 and it was free shipping! Thanks for the screw up :) They also had video monitors for $12, but I didn't get in on that deal fast enough.

How in the world am I supposed to wait another 77 days to meet this baby? It seems like February will never come! Can you tell I am getting very antsy?!?! Maybe I will not have to wait that long and he will decide to come a little early! I have had this feeling for a week or so that he will come early. I am hoping to have everything we need by the end of the year. We will be buying diapers very soon, since we don't have any. I can't imagine not having any if he does come early. I like to wait until the last minute for alot of things, but not when it comes to the baby!

I am thinking about getting out our Christmas tree this week while Aaron is gone! We will not be here to put it up the day after Thansgiving, so why not put it up earlier instead of later!

1 comment:

CGray said...

I cannot wait for Henry to be born either and I am just his Aunt so I know that you are really ready to meet him. It will be a wonderful day for you and I cannot wait until you can see him for the first time.