Monday, August 10, 2009

6 months

I still can't believe my baby boy has been with us for 6 months now, time goes by WAY too quickly. I absolutely love to watch him grow and learn something new everyday. I am very thankful that I am able to stay at home with him. He is a busy little boy! Seriously, he wants to touch and explore EVERYTHING. When I am feeding him his big boy food, he is more interested in eating his toes! The more he can get his hands on, the happier he is! I am afraid I am going to have my hands full when he gets more mobile! If you remember, we got tons of things in the mail before he was even born about ADD/ADHD, was it a sign?!! I try to keep him entertained and keep his mind working, it can be hard at times though. He can sit up for a minute or so with the support of his hands in front of him, he likes to roll on his belly more now, he is trying to figure out the crawling thing, he likes to "walk" when he is held in position, he talks all the time, loves being outdoors, loves to rub Emma and Abby (Alex never gets close enough), blows raspberries when he gets frustrated, he likes reading books, likes music, and I am sure there is more I am missing! More and more people say he looks like his daddy. He is always SO happy. He screams at me and Aaron when we are rocking him to get him to sleep, hopefully that will end soon. I started sleep training, but that didn't go very far. I have gotten used to my baby being beside me at night and his sleep seems to be improving sleeping with us. I do think that I should move him to his crib soon because that is the only time Aaron and I have alone. Jagger likes to cuddle with his daddy in bed now too! When he wakes up in the morning, he will start talking, but if we ignore him, he will start playing with our face, like grabbing a nose, poking at an eye, grabbing lips, anything! For his 1/2 birthday, he got 2 new toys. We took lots of pictures of him. I still have to go through them and I will post them soon. Also, I made it 6 months of breast feeding Jagger! Now we have 6 more months to go and then I will start weaning him to cow's milk. He has eaten avocado, carrots, squash, apples, and bananas. He has liked all of them except the carrots!

I have an appointment on Friday with a surgeon about my gallbladder. I am glad that I will not have the pains anymore, I am just worried about how it will all work out with Jagger. I am hoping my mom can come up and help me out. If not, I am going to see if the sitter that used to keep Jagger can come and help me during the day until Aaron gets home. Jagger is such a mommy's boy that I am not sure how it will all work out.

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