Friday, November 6, 2009

Where is Jagger?

This week, Jagger has learned to successfully go from sitting to belly. This means, he is into EVERYTHING! When we had trick or treaters last weekend, I was eating in the floor with Jagger, I had to go to the door and when I came back, he had a handful of french fries! One other time, I turned my back to him for literally 2 seconds and he had a handful of dog food and some in his mouth! He got so mad at me when I dug all of it out of his mouth! He is now trying to figure out how to pull up on things. He will pull up on me, but he is not sure about anything else. Something else he has decided to do is pull his shoes and socks off every time I put them on! Every time I get him out of the carseat, he has pulled them off. Today, we were walking around Target and he pulled one of his socks off and lost it somewhere. I looked like the mother of the year with an infant that had no socks on in November! Oh well, he got it from his mama! Every where we go, atleast one person always has to stop us and talk to Jagger and tell me how adorable he is! I want to say yes I know, and I am sure he does too, but I have places to go! I just let Jagger take it all in though!

1 comment:

enjjack said...

I can just see his mischieviousness. I know his daddy is missing seeing all he is doing. I had a moment today when I was thinking about how much we miss y'all. And a picture of Jagger with that grin he got from his mama came in my head and I couldn't help but grin. Love Gran