Friday, July 31, 2009

Houston, we have....

a tooth! You can't see the tooth yet, but I can feel it. It is the bottom, right one. The teething tablets still seem to be working good.

Someone spoiled Jagger, rotten! I am not sure who that may have been, I have been accused of it, but I beg to differ :) We have to be in his sight at all times and he likes for me to be sitting in the floor with him while he is playing or for me to be playing with him. Emma and Abby sometimes take over those duties and entertain him! The way I see it, he is the only one I will have, so I might as well spoil him rotten! Although, I would like to get some things done around the house. He doesn't take very long naps, so I don't really have that time to get things done. Oh well, they will wait on me! We tried carrots yesterday and he is like his mama, they are nasty! I have some pictures, but they do not really show what he thought of them! I tasted them and about gagged myself, so I don't blame him! I will try them again today, but I will not force them on him. He LOVES his avocado though. I can't feed it to him fast enough! I also fed him rice cereal and bananas for dinner and he likes those, but avocado seems to be the favorite right now! I think I am going to try and get Jagger back in his own bed this weekend, except I am going to put him in his pack-n-play next to our bed. It seems that he likes to have alot of room to move around at night, and we don't have alot of extra space in our bed. I know I wouldn't sleep worth a crap if I put him in his own room, because my anxiety level is back up. We will see how it goes! I am also trying to get him off of the paci. It seems to be a real problem with the length of sleep he is getting. He is going to be a handful when he gets on the move. He has to touch and explore everything! Watch out wieners!

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