Friday, June 27, 2008

February 2, 2009

This is our official due date! Everything went well at the appt. We did not get too hear the heartbeat, she said it was to early, but in 4 weeks we will. We don't get any ultrasounds except the one at 20 weeks to determine the sex. I was hoping they would do something else today, but she said that my uterus felt the size it should be, so I guess that means everything is going well! I had to have blood drawn, 4 tubes, and supply a urine sample, which took me forever!

We are doing well! I still feel pretty good. I just feel nauseas every once in a while, but if I eat I am ok. The babies like this mild weather! Abby had to go to the dr. Monday because she had a torn nail. It was barely hanging on, but when Dr. Donna pulled it off, you would have thought she was cutting her foot off!! She is fine now though!

That's it for now!

1 comment:

Michelle said...

poor Abby!!! give her a smooch for me! hope your nausea goes away soon!