Sunday, January 11, 2009

No such luck...

Well, the full moon didn't seem to work, Henry is still cooking! I was reading yesterday exactly what it is about the full moon that causes more babies to be born. It is the effect that gravity has on any body of water, so it would have made my water break, but I may not necessarily have contractions that causes my water to break. I guess he will be here soon enough!

I went to my 36 week appointment last Wednesday. No progress, ugh. My blood pressure was good, I lost about a 0.5 lbs., and that is about it. I am not going to get checked this week to see if I have had any progress, because it sucks knowing that nothing is happening. He will come when he decides it is time, I suppose!

I had my work baby shower yesterday. It was really nice. We had it here at our house. There was lots of yummy food and of course yummy cake! We got an exersaucer, a sleep positioner, an on the go changing pad, sleeper, a hand made blanket that one of the drs. made, robeez shoes, and some toys. I love working with all of these wonderful ladies!

We are going today to finish getting everything we need. We are also going to go walking around in one of the malls, maybe that will help Henry decide he wants to come!

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