Friday, September 26, 2008


That is the chance the baby has of having a neural tube defect. So basically, we got the all clear that he is a healthy baby boy! She did not say anything about his legs being short this time, but I saw that they were measuring 20w, so a week behind. Everything else was right on target. He weighed 13 ozs. After she got done measuring his legs and moved on, he kicked or punched me several times in a row! I guess he didn't want us looking at his legs! She commented on how active he was also. They did the ultrasound with a new machine, so she practiced 4d on me, which I am very happy about! We got 2 shots of his face, but he did not want to cooperate very well. I will have to scan the pictures in later. In one of them, it looks like he is picking his nose!

After seeing the dr., we meet with a genetic counselor. She explained exactly what everything meant and what the chances of him having down syndrome and trisomy 18, which were both very low. The AFP level was very slightly elevated. The high end of normal is 2.5 and his level was 2.67. She said that it could be an indicator of other future problems, such as hypertension and the baby being small at birth. Hopefully, my blood pressure will stay where it is and this is not an indicator that it will keep going up. I am really glad we met with her, because she was very informative.

Oh yeah, we got a brochure in the mail yesterday about ADHD in children! Is it a sign that we are in for a hyper little boy?!?!

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