Wednesday, September 3, 2008


We went and registered today! I will be having a shower in October, so we decided to go today since we are both off, and to keep us busy, waiting on Friday. We registered at Babies R Us and Target. I am also going to register at because that is where you can get the cloth diapers we are going to use. It was so overwhelming to register for all of that stuff. It seems like you have to have so much. We finally decided to go with a travel system. It is made by Chicco and the carseat has the best safety ratings, so I feel confident in our choice.
I don't know what we are going to do tomorrow, but this has to be the longest week EVER! Time has flown by this whole year. It always seems like the work week has just started when Friday is already here. Not this week.

On another note, I still have not felt him move, but my belly button is getting wierd! I don't really know how to explain it, but it is not normal! It is getting more flat.

He has name, too! We still have not completely decided on his middle name, but he has a first name and 2 options for a middle name!

1 comment:

CGray said...

I know that my belly button started to flatten and I think it even started to poke outward by the time I had Dylan. After I had him, it eventually returned to normal.