Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Quads test results

I got the worst phone call ever yesterday. I had the quads test done last week at my appointment, which screens for birth defects such as down's syndrome. Aaron and I decided that we were going to do this so that we could be prepared if something was wrong. So, we are in Chicago, getting ready to leave when I get a voicemail from my Ob's office telling me to call that they have some appointments set up. I immediately think that something is wrong, but then I kept telling myself that maybe they need to reschedule one of my future appointments. I started crying then and had to gather myself to call and see exactly what they wanted. I start talking to the triage nurse and she tells me that they have an appointment set up for me to see a genetic specialist on Friday. She keeps going on about the appointment and what I need to do to prepare for it, while I have no idea what this appointment is for, but I know it can't be good. I finally asked her why I have this appointment and she thought the Dr. had already called and gave me the results. One of the levels is slightly elevated. It is the AFP. She told me that it has to do with his neurological system and they are going to be looking at his spine. I busted out in tears. She was very apologetic that the Dr. had not called me, which I am still mad about. So, we go on Friday for an ultrasound and to meet with a genetic specialist. It seems like Friday is so far away, I wish we could go now. From what I have read, it usually means that he could have spina bifida, I could be farther along than I think I am, or it could be twins. We know it is not twins! So we will wait and see. I also read that 90% of the time it ends up being nothing. This is also the part of the test that has the highest rate of false positives.
We went in IKEA on our way home and just looking at all of the baby stuff made me cry. I can't imagine my life with out this little man in it.
I will let you all know how it goes on Friday. I can't wait to see my little man again!!

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