Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Jagger's bilirubin level

I was discharged this morning since I have not had a fever for 48 hours, which Aaron and I were very happy about. We were glad that we would finally get to take him home to meet his brother and sisters. I was glad that I was finally going to be able to get out of the room after being stuck in it since Monday morning.

Jagger's pediatrician came in and told us that his bilirubin levels had gone up and that he would probably need to have phototherapy treatment. They drew a blood sample, poor little guy has had his little heel stuck so many times, and they came back that his levels were rising. He is now on a bili-blanket to help get his levels down and we will be staying here until he gets to go home. Hopefully we will still get to go home this evening and then go have him rechecked in the morning to make sure his levels are staying down. So we are just sitting around, once again. Hopefully we will get to go home soon.

I am recovering very well. I can get up out of bed and walk around with no trouble now and I only take motrin when I need it. I am so glad my recovery is going so well and I am getting to enjoy my little prince! He is a pro at breastfeeding. We have both gotten the hang of it. He latches on with no problems now and I have found a postion that works for both of us to nurse him. He is such a little piggy! I am so glad that everything is going so well with our little family! Hopefully the wieners will like him! Aaron tells me that I am spoiling him already because I let him sleep with me last night. He is such a little cuddle bug, I couldn't resist :)

1 comment:

CGray said...

I know I always enjoyed having Dylan sleep with us. It was just something so peaceful about having him lay beside me. It would cause me to want to take a nap which I frequently did. Who needs anything for sleep when you have a sleeping baby next to you.