Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Can you make me some cupcakes?

A: Will you make me some cupcakes to take to M at work?
Me: Sure. When do you need them and what flavor?
A: Thursday, and I don't care.

Don't you love the "I don't care" part? Maybe this isn't a big deal to the "normal" person, but for me there are far too many choices out there and it takes me days to figure out what to make. At first I was going to go with a smaller version of this gorgeous Neapolitan cake but then I decided that the pink frosting wasn't very boyish. See why it takes me so long? Then I started wondering if there are any allergies or if he liked chocolate, strawberry, vanilla, and so on. I finally decided to go with these Hi-Hat cupcakes by none other than Martha herself! I used my go-to chocolate cake recipe, the Hershey's Celebration cake, and followed Martha the rest of the way. They are surprisingly easy to make, other than having to stand over the stove with a hand mixer for 12 minutes. :o

I also decided I would use my Cricut to make some cute cupcake wrappers, can't neglect her. :) I found these a long time ago. I had to resize them to make them fit and they are still taller than I would like, but that is as small as I could get them and make them fit around the cupcake.

Then I added some tulle to the cupcake holder and a gift tag stamped with Happy Birthday.

I hope this works for "I don't care!"


A. said...
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Amanda said...

Wow, they look so yummy! I want to try one!! You are so creative, Jamie!

(that first post was also left by me, BUT I wasn't signed in to my real blog account). :)

Jamie said...

Thanks Amanda! They are really delicious! If we lived close, I would have shared the other 18 :)