Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Back to work

So, I decided at the last minute that I wanted to go back to work and I started yesterday. I only work Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, not to bad. I found a lady to come to our house to watch Jagger. She said that he did really well yesterday. He even took a 2 hour nap for her, now why won't he do that for me!! I did way better than I thought I would going back to work. It was nice seeing all of the ladies at work and having a conversation with someone other than Aaron, not that I don't like talking to Aaron!! They threw me right back in the line of fire as soon as I got there! I liked this though because then I didn't have much time to think about how much I missed my little man! I get to come see him at lunch, which is nice also. Overall, it was a nice day and I will repeat it tomorrow!

I think we may have a roller on our hands very soon! Everytime I put him down for tummy time he gets on his side, but never makes it to his back. Watch out world, here comes Jagger!!

We go for the inspection of our house today, I am excited!! We are going to take more pictures too.

1 comment:

enjjack said...

The naps. You're momma. He wants to be sure he's not missing out on anything when he is with you. I think he was napping because momma wasn't there and it helped him pass the time till you got home. I know y'all were happy to him laugh. All the things that you are gathering on Jagger will be happy memories as he grows older. Gran & Paw