Sunday, May 10, 2009

We have a roller!!

Yesterday I had Jagger on his tummy for tummy time and he rolled over to his back!! I knew it was very close before he rolled! He is close to rolling from back to tummy too. Jagger changes and learns so much every day that goes by. I love being able to see him change daily. He is also now grabbing his toys on his play mat and we have this ball that plays music when it is touched and he has it playing music all the time! My little man is growing so fast!

Update on the reflux. He barely spit up yesterday. The dr. said that the medication does not stop the spit up, but it seems to have helped him. He was also SO happy yesterday, he was never fussy. He is still not back to his sleep schedule, but hopefully that is coming soon. When he wakes up at night now, he stares right into the monitor with big wide eyes! It is like he is saying come get me, I am awake!

I hope all of the mother's that read this have a wonderful day!!


enjjack said...

Thanks! For giving us our Jagger. We are so proud to have you as his MOTHER and our son's wife. Happy Mother's Day. Gran And Paw

CGray said...

Happy First Mother's Day! I hope it is very special for you.